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ARK: Survival Ascended News

Community Crunch 444: Love Ascended, Mods Spotlight, and more!

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, Love Ascended is returning to ARK next week, bringing a wave of romantic and delightful rewards in honor of the world's biggest mate boosting holiday! But that’s not all, we’re also gearing up for the launch of Astraeos, the first-ever Official Partner DLC, landing on February 12th!

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Can you feel the love in the air? Love Ascended is set to sweep ARK survivors off their feet with an array of enchanting new treats and delights. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine's Day, kicks off on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, and will continue to spread joy and affection until Wednesday, February 19, 2025, on Official Servers.

  • Starts on Wednesday, February 12, 2025at 10:00 am PST
  • Ends on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 10:00 am PST

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding
  • Lovebirds *new*
  • Love Bugs
  • Vday Coel
  • Chibi-Lovebird *new*
  • Chibi Pair-o-Saurs *new*
  • Valentine’s Fishing Rod
  • Love Bug Hearts
  • Festive Dino Candy
  • Box o' Chocolates (Now also reduce mating cooldown by 20% of current time remaining)
  • Pillow-Club Skin  *new*
  • Loveseat *new*
  • Ottoman *new*
  • Love-Chair *new*
  • Pajama Top *new*
  • Pajama Bottoms *new*
  • SleepingHat *new*
  • PomPom Slippers *new*
  • Friendship Bracelets *new*
  • Bear Hug Swimsuit
  • Odd Couple Swimsuit
  • Sauropod Heart Swimsuit
  • Cupid Couture Bottom Skin
  • Cupid Couture Top Skin
  • Halo Headband Skin
  • Heart-shaped Sunglasses Skin
  • Heart Spring Hat
  • Cuddle Rex Sweater
  • Bow & Eros Skin
  • Heart-shaped Shield Skin
  • Teddy Bear Grenade Skin
  • Love Shackles Skin
  • Heart Spring Hat
  • Cuddle Rex Sweater
  • Love-Bed
  • Proposal Emote *new*
  • Lasso Emote *new*
  • Flirty Emote
  • Heart Emote
  • Self Hug Emote
  • Dino Light Blue
  • WyvernBlue0
  • PowderBlue
  • Glacial
  • DarkLavender
  • MediumLavender
  • Lavender
  • DarkViolet
  • Dino Light Purple
  • LightPink
  • Magenta
  • DeepPink
  • Red
  • DarkMagenta
  • Dino Albino
  • Cream
  • Jade
  • LeafGreen
  • From the Main Menu, select the mod tab.
  • Search for Love Ascended in the ARK Mod list and Install it. Mod ID: 927084
  • After it's installed, go back to your game setup screen and select 'Mod Settings'
  • You will see Love Ascended and any other mods you've downloaded in 'Available Mods'
  • Select Love Ascended and activate it.
  • If you would like to enable Love Ascended on your private servers, please add the mod ID to your server command-line launch arguments (-mods=927084). No other changes should be necessary to activate the event.

The next winner of our Community Creature Vote will be featured on Valguero. Get your endlessly creative submissions ready, and you might see your creature making its debut with the release of the Valguero map in ARK: Survival Ascended!

Please note that this creature will be released for Valguero, so ensure your real-world submissions align with that map's theme!

Check out the Creature Submission Guidelines for more information on the submission process, and hop over to the Creature Submission Forum to see the current entries. We are looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life!
  • The entry period will end at 1pm Pacific on February 20th.
  • The voting will begin at 1pm PST on February 21st and end on February 28th at 1pm Pacific.
  • The winner will be announced in the Crunch of February 28th.

Make sure to check our Twitter on February 21st for the RankedVote link!

*Note that the proposed features for the creatures from the submission entry are meant to inspire their design, but certain aspects may still be modified.


Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:

Get the Power Rangers’ Premium Cosmetic Pack Wave 2 now

It’s Morphin’ time! Get ready to suit up and unleash your inner hero—or villain—with the 'ARK x Power Rangers' Wave 2 Cosmetic Pack!

Suit up and morph into legends with the iconic looks of the Green Ranger and White Ranger, or embrace your dark side as the nefarious Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and more. But the power doesn’t stop there—your dinos are getting an epic upgrade with Dinozord skins, turning them into fearsome, battle-ready beasts. Equip yourself with Power Weapon skins worthy of a true Ranger, and with unique emotes that let you strike poses bold enough to feel the power surge! And, once you're worthy, show off your zordplay by conquering the King Titan as a towering Megazord!

Thanks to ASA’s dynamic cosmetic system, even if you don’t own the pack, you’ll still witness these dinomighty skins in action during online play.

It’s time to choose your side, Survivors. Will you be a hero or a villain?

  • POWER RANGERS — 7 unique skins for the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Alpha 5 and Putty
  • POWER EMOTES — 7 unique emotes for each character skin: Green Ranger, White Ranger, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Alpha 5 and Putty
  • POWER WEAPONS — 6 unique weapon skins; transform supported weapons into a Green Dagger, Green Sword, White Saba Sword, Rita Staff, Zedd Staff, or Goldar Sword
  • DINOZORDS — 4 unique dinosaur emotes; transform supported dinosaurs into the Thylacoleo White Tigerzord, Bronto Titanus, Giganotosaurus Green Dragonzord, or MegaMEK/MEK Megazord.

ARKpocalypse servers have been wiped today!

What is ARKpocalypse?
  • ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates.
  • Next wipe: March 7th
For this round, the following mods will be included: You can join them by searching in the server browser! Happy Surviving!

This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, February 10.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Frodo the Dodo
Frodo the Dodo made the dos and don'ts to succeed all difficulties of Element Veins. 
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: The Survivors Handbook
The Survivors Handbook reviews three fun mods to add to your gameplay!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Heat Ray by @falco_luna

ARK Tattoo by tnfireman

Managarm Tribal by @SS38529630

Barbatos the Loud Mouth King by Robinson Vronti

Art doll Dilophosaurus by sayvaris

Ark Pachyrhinosaurus redesign by ShatteredReaIity

Speed paint: Ark by FlawlezFalcon

ARKxPowerRangers by @MedusaGeek

Power Rangers Survivors by @LAMEBOY81390688

Photo Mode by @Vattghornn

The new Power Ranger mod is fire by @TheAx3Man

It's Morphing Time! by @DragonHeart7998

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

'ARK x Power Rangers' Wave 2 Cosmetic Pack is out now!


Get the Power Rangers’ Premium Cosmetic Pack Wave 2 now

It’s Morphin’ time! Get ready to suit up and unleash your inner hero—or villain—with the 'ARK x Power Rangers' Wave 2 Cosmetic Pack!

Suit up and morph into legends with the iconic looks of the Green Ranger and White Ranger, or embrace your dark side as the nefarious Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and more. But the power doesn’t stop there—your dinos are getting an epic upgrade with Dinozord skins, turning them into fearsome, battle-ready beasts. Equip yourself with Power Weapon skins worthy of a true Ranger, and with unique emotes that let you strike poses bold enough to feel the power surge! And, once you're worthy, show off your zordplay by conquering the King Titan as a towering Megazord!

Thanks to ASA’s dynamic cosmetic system, even if you don’t own the pack, you’ll still witness these dinomighty skins in action during online play.

It’s time to choose your side, Survivors. Will you be a hero or a villain?

  • POWER RANGERS — 7 unique skins for the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Alpha 5 and Putty
  • POWER EMOTES — 7 unique emotes for each character skin: Green Ranger, White Ranger, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Alpha 5 and Putty
  • POWER WEAPONS — 6 unique weapon skins; transform supported weapons into a Green Dagger, Green Sword, White Saba Sword, Rita Staff, Zedd Staff, or Goldar Sword
  • DINOZORDS — 4 unique dinosaur emotes; transform supported dinosaurs into the Thylacoleo White Tigerzord, Bronto Titanus, Giganotosaurus Green Dragonzord, or MegaMEK/MEK Megazord.

Download all screenshots in full resolution

Community Crunch 443: Club ARK Update & Community Creature Submission!

Hey Survivors, Today, ClubARK: Wasteland War drops, bringing a whole new post apocalyptic look along with the brand-new Mad Mark mission! This major version update also delivers a massive wave of fixes and improvements, tackling many of the issues players helped us identify. Plus, there are big XP boosts, quality-of-life upgrades, and even a new rare reward—the Scrap Golem variant!

Download in full resolution

The next winner of our Community Creature Vote will be featured on Valguero. Get your endlessly creative submissions ready, and you might see your creature making its debut with the release of the Valguero map in ARK: Survival Ascended!

Please note that this creature will be released for Valguero, so ensure your real-world submissions align with that map's theme!

Check out the Creature Submission Guidelines for more information on the submission process, and hop over to the Creature Submission Forum to see the current entries. We are looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life!
  • The entry period will end at 1pm Pacific on February 20th.
  • The voting will begin at 1pm PST on February 21st and end on February 28th at 1pm Pacific.
  • The winner will be announced in the Crunch of February 28th.

Make sure to check our Twitter on February 21st for the RankedVote link!

*Note that the proposed features for the creatures from the submission entry are meant to inspire their design, but certain aspects may still be modified.

We're shifting the transfer date for Official Extinction servers to give you more time to enjoy full freedom before the upcoming launch of Astraeos.
  • Extinction Transfers Open: February 7th (Allowing you to transfer your characters, items, and creatures to and from Extinction servers)
  • Extinction Expired Servers Offline: February 28th, so take this time to wrap up your adventures, make final moves, and prepare for what’s next.
See you in the Wasteland!

This update brings a Wasteland makeover to ClubARK, a new Bob’s Tall Tales mission (Mad Mark), and the Scrap Golem variant as a rare reward. Gameplay improvements include XP boosts for Enraged creatures, QoL updates for Armadoggo & BattleRig, and various balancing tweaks. Also a massive wave of bug fixes addresses taming, UI, multiplayer desync, environment bugs and more.

ClubARK: Wasteland War is live! v154
  • ClubARK has received a Wasteland makeover!
  • Added a new Bob’s Tall Tales mission “Mad Mark”
  • Added Scrap Golem (Rock Elemental variant) as a rare reward for completing Mad Mark on Alpha difficulty
  • All Bob’s Tall Tales missions now award equipment traits on completion
  • All ClubARK rewards have been updated to include Extinction & Wasteland content
  • The Wardrobe has been updated to include Extinction & Wasteland content
Gameplay Changes
  • Enraged Rex and Enraged Trike now award 3x more XP
  • Enraged Rex and Enraged Trike now give Alpha XP type to allow chibi leveling
  • Refactored SIR-5rM8’s sorting ability to be more reliable
  • SIR-5rM8 can now collect sap from Sap Tap without needing a player to open the Sap Tap’s inventory first
  • Meat Carrier trait now includes Spoiled Meat
  • Moschops can now gather Sap from Sap trees in Scorched Earth
  • Tamed Basilisks are now immune to radiation on Aberration
  • Allowed Pegomastax deployment on Aberration for Gacha crystals
  • Experience removed from creatures when respeccing them via the Makeshift Megalab reduced to 10% of current XP
  • OSDs & Element veins will now highlight the last remaining 5 dinos of the wave
  • Cooldown for cryopodding a damaged creature has been reduced to 30 seconds (down from 60 seconds).
  • Reduced the damage transferred from structures placed on a platform-saddled dino from 100% to 10%
  • Adjusted Tuso’s melee attack to hit closer to its head to prevent it from getting stuck on small creatures that it cannot hit
  • Titanoboa no longer gains points in Oxygen
  • Tek Giganotosaurus can now be cloned
  • Added the current “Quick Ability” icon to Armadoggo’s whistle and colored the icon to show if the skill is on cooldown, active, or activatable.
  • Added a health indicator to Armadoggo’s icon in Companion mode, showing current/max health on top of the buff icon when the extended HUD is enabled.
  • Added Element-Imbued Gasoline engram to BattleRig Garage’s inventory, and Garage no longer requires Element-Imbued Gasoline to craft
  • Added analog values for BattleRig’s gamepad controls for throttle/brake
  • BattleRig carries over the percentage HP it previously had when changing equipment
  • Prevented Water Reservoirs from being placed on platform saddles
  • Prevented Gene Scanner from tracking corrupted creatures
  • Extinction OSD and Element Vein audio stingers are now tied to the Music slider
  • Tek Binocular UI will now display mutation count without needing to access the Ancestry page of the dino
  • Items now display their item rating in the inventory UI which is the relevant value when using the Tinkering Desk
  • DLSS defaulted to enabled for compatible cards
Gameplay Fixes
  • Fixed a server restart issue where creatures in the middle of taming would lose their taming effectiveness and become untamable
  • Fixed Heavy Turret requiring an Auto-Turret for repair
  • Fixed SIR-5rM8 inability to repair Heavy Turret without Auto-Turret in inventory
  • Fixed SIR-5rM8 accessing the inventory of structures picked up by Rhynio
  • Fixed SIR-5rM8’s item input not copying to other turrets when using copy settings to all nearby turrets
  • Fixed SIR-5rM8 accessing sealed Barrels
  • Fixed SIR-5rM8 bypassing certain container restrictions
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync issue with SIR-5rM8 that could occur when changing modes
  • SIR-5rM8 should no longer slot cap or overweight himself when sorting and rerendered by a player
  • Fixed cases where SIR-5rM8 would get stuck when navigating around certain structures
  • Removed Dreadmare requiring Alpha Raptor and Carno on Extinction and replaced AlphaRex trophy entry to Enraged Rex
  • Fixed Tek Binocular UI not updating baby progress correctly
  • Fixed Goo Gun blueprints having a number of limited crafts
  • Fixed issues with painting Basilisk’s saddle
  • Fixed railings not correctly snapping to the top & bottom of triangle roofs
  • Fixed Corrupted creatures pushing through Tek Forcefield and causing damage inside it
  • Fixed Bio-Grinder inability to grind tall creatures like Giga/Carcha
  • Fixed an issue that caused crafting Unstable Element Shards via the Makeshift Megalab resulting in a loss of materials
  • Improved the visuals of the Homo Deus skin
  • Fixed Homo Deus Skin jittering when moving the camera
  • Fixed the Train engine interfering with in-game sound
  • Fixed session list UI elements appearing offset on ultrawide monitors
  • Fixed frame stuttering related to frame generation when toggling UI elements
  • Fixed a client crash related to harvesting resources with Extended HUD enabled
  • Fixed a client crash related to starting split-screen
  • Fixed an issue that prevented equipping items from inventory after viewing the crafting or cosmetic tab
  • Fixed an issue that would cause structures to float above the Battlerig Garage
  • Fixed a level discrepancy with dropped Mek blueprints
  • Fixed Enforcer and Mek stats displaying incorrectly in some languages
  • Fixed a camera issue when jumping while riding a Thylacoleo
  • Reduced Deinosuchus gravity to match Sarco
  • Fixed Yutyrannus, Direwolf and Armadoggo LOD issues at medium and low graphic settings
  • Fixed Bucket Face Helmet Skin LOD issues at medium and low graphic settings
  • Fixed inability to access R wheel while mounted on a Reaper King
  • Fixed Snow Owl using foot attack while walking, causing it to slide
  • Fixed Snow Owl's ability to ice crash in the air when stamina is depleted
  • Fixed multiple cases of Enforcer accidentally teleporting under the map
  • Fixed Managarmr jumping forward immediately after being uncryopodded
  • Fixed Ice Titan breath killing mounted players
  • Fixed Dreadnoughtus EMP roar killing enemy riders
  • Speculative fix for Dreadnoughtus legs sometimes appearing messed up
  • Fixed player rotating back and forth rapidly when standing on the saddle of a Dreadnoughtus as a passenger
  • Fixed Dreadnoughtus legs stuttering when rotating
  • Adjusted Dreadnoughtus’s EMP breath attack to be more accurate at hitting larger enemies
  • Fixed Armadoggo eyes turning black during sniffing animation
  • Speculative fix for Armadoggo’s chance of disappearing during player respawn or disconnect
  • Fixed a case where using Armadoggo’s whistle would break some interactions with creatures, structures or items
  • Fixed spawning several skeleton pieces by spamming Armadoggo’s dig emote
  • Fixed Armadoggo scaring off tamed creatures with “Who’s there?”
  • Fixed Armadoggo getting stuck trying to unbury while in swimming state
  • Adjusted Armadoggo’s taming affinity to improve taming effectiveness
  • Fixed Baby Rock Drakes sometimes falling through the mesh when hatched from a Gigantoraptor saddle by adjusting their gravity scale
  • Fixed BattleRig getting stuck in a rubberbanding state after hitting an object
  • Adjusted BattleRig’s damage VFX to improve FPS
  • Fixed BattleRigs disappearing in stasis
  • Fixed BattleRigs falling through the mesh when upside down and no driver
  • Fixed inability to look around in first-person view in a BattleRig when using a gamepad
  • Removed BattleRig Garage duplicate options for "open car inventory" and “tribe rank” options
  • Fixed some Text overlapping in BattleRig Garage UI
  • Fixed inability to move while driving on Ice with BattleRig
  • Adjusted gamepad controls in BattleRig when a weapon is equipped
  • Fixed newly built BattleRigs spawning with ramshackle and apprentice parts
  • Fixed BattleRig sometimes rubber banding after hitting some collisions such as foliage/rocks
  • Fixed BattleRig colliding and flipping too easily when running over trees and rocks
  • Fixed a case where a Mek could spawn in the mesh when crafted from a Tek Replicator
  • Fixed the inability to hide the BattleRig Garage roof after removing structures that were blocking it
  • Adjusted the player's seated position when accessing the BattleRig Garage with the roof hidden so they are no longer floating
  • Fixed projectile weapons not firing accurately when seated in a passenger seat
  • Fixed a case where Desert Titan saddle would be missing collision
  • Fixed broken Winter Wonderland icons
  • Fixed camera getting messed up when grappling another player that is mounted and in photo mode
  • Creatures that have consumed Mushroom Brew can now be cryopodded in the radiation zone on Aberration
  • Fixed the Forest Titan AI to prevent it from attempting to navigate outside its arena
  • Shirt skins are now unequipped when applying the Glider to prevent the Glider from appearing invisible
  • Fixed a case where Tribe Tower was applying buffs to characters that were not in the tribe
  • Fixed cases where creatures would deal more damage with no rider
  • Prevented item skins on cart saddles
  • Fixed an issue with Explosive Spear/Primitive Spear which would sometimes prevent it from being thrown
  • Fixed several typos
  • Fixed several exploits
Environment Fixes
  • Fixed various mesh holes, rat holes, and floating objects across all maps
  • Fixed several false positive anti-mesh spots on The Island, including areas around the Volcano
  • Removed the erroneous Tribe Tower floating in the middle of the sky on The Island
  • Fixed multiple cases of supply drops falling through the ground on Aberration
  • Fixed cave supply crate spawning in the mesh on Aberration
  • Fixed lava not dealing damage to large creatures on Scorched Earth
  • Fixed Snow Ramp rendering gray in color on Extinction
  • Fixed a case where the Tamed Forest Titan would slide when turning
  • Fixed Meteors not damaging tamed creatures on Extinction
  • Fixed a buildable area in Scorched Earth’s boss arena
  • Fixed heat visuals displaying erroneously in the southwest surface entrance on Aberration
  • Fixed some locations where Red Gems were spawning in the green zone on Aberration
  • Fixed a waterfall missing audio on Aberration
  • Fixed Aberration’s Green Obelisk having two beams

This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, February 3.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: DarkEdgeTVSurvival
DarkEdge reviews the Muttaburrasaurus, from its taming method to its special abilities!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: Crabbytron
In this video, Crabbytron shows you everything you need to know about  taxidermy in ARK!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Dodos by taur.sketches

Evo Paleo Rex by nezuyu

Stuck in Hot Water by @SoupEvolved

Isn't it just so majestic by prettylilfreak_

Lil' doodle of my favorite Giga chicken by obsidanite

Part 15 of Drawing Every Dino Dossier! by cascadingcaramel

Yi ling by alexj_21

Photo Mode by frozen_soap

Pressing F for Helena by wanderingwolfe

Photo Mode by thenosk8

Photo Mode by galactica000

Photo Mode by glitchernl

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

Community Crunch 442: ARK x Power Rangers Wave 2 coming soon!

Hey Survivors, it’s been a busy week behind the scenes as we continue refining Extinction Ascended and Bob’s Tall Tales: Wasteland War. As always, thanks for sharing your feedback and valuable bug reports with us, your patience and support are appreciated!

Download in full resolution

Survive, thrive, and morph in style on February 6th with the Power Rangers Wave 2!

Let’s talk about breeding. We’ve been doing some internal investigation on ASA’s breeding system and we’re going to carry out some tests this weekend to gather some more specific data on our Official Network while no event is active. We’ll then do the same testing again the following weekend during an active breeding event (yay!).

We’re hoping this data can be used to help us make some optimization improvements to the system, so that when the events are active, they’re less likely to have an impact on server performance.

We know how important these events are to you for the quality of life they add to breeding; it’s something we’re working on, and we’re exploring different ways this can be achieved.

Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:

Unleash your imagination and transform your ARK experience with our latest premium mods!

Additions Ascended: Edmontonia
Meet the Edmontonia, a tanky, flame-wielding herbivore roaming the Redwoods, Grasslands, and Deserts of the ARK. With spines coated in flammable powder and a flick of its tail, it scorches threats in its path. Perfect for gathering minerals and sparkpowder, this formidable companion even boasts a flamethrower saddle, turning it into a mobile, fiery turret for two passengers. Set the world ablaze with this fiery addition!

World Builder
World Builder is the ultimate admin tool for shaping your ARK world directly from the game. Use its intuitive interface to add or remove objects and craft custom landscapes with ease. Featuring a single, multifunctional tool, this mod empowers you to create the ARK you’ve always dreamed of—right at your fingertips.

This video features:

This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, January 27.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Tyzaew
Garuga's Edmontonia is put to the test against mighty foes!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: NikkiPenelope Plays
Nikki tames some Deinosuchus and attempts to complete an Orbital Supply Drop!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Vice is coming by @thekevin_d

Drew my favorite mosa by @smantisdraws

cascadingcaramel by Part 13 of Drawing Every Dino Dossier.

Tapejara by zenith114

A Managarmr by undeadbutler

Art Ascended's Art Trials by rainesaur

Ascended Acrocanthosaurus Design by nightmysteryprime

Photo Mode by chichuzilla

Oh oh.. by tkgoji230

The apocalypse by tae94

Weathering the Storm by spoopi

Photo Mode by mhostg

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

Community Crunch 441: Astraeos Official Partner DLC!

Hey Survivors and welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch. We hope you’ve had time to dig into the high-level road map we shared last week and it’s awesome to see the community buzzing with excitement. Meanwhile we’ve been heads down tackling fixes for Extinction and working on upcoming content. Speaking of…

Download in full resolution

We are excited to announce that Astraeos, created by the talented Nekatus and sponsored by Nitrado, is ascending into being an Official Partner DLC!

Originally slated as our “June Premium Map Surprise,” we’re bringing it forward– Astraeos will now launch on February 12th for $14.99 as a full-fledged and fully-supported DLC, instead of a Premium Mod!

This stunning -264km² map will be available on all platforms and fully integrated into the main clusters with official servers, making it a seamless addition to your ARK worlds.

But the tale of Astraeos doesn’t end at launch. Like myths of old, it will grow over time as Nekatus continues to shape the world, adding new realms, updates and challenges worthy of the gods.

Mark your calendars for February 12th and prepare for a massive mythical adventure!


Discover an exciting array of mods in our showcase: dominate the wild with the deadly yet loyal Gigantophis, redefine your strategy with Sparky, a customizable dragon companion, and light up your world with Neon Structure Skin, transforming over 66 structures into glowing futuristic designs. Complete the look with Jams' NeoTokyo Cosmetics, offering cyberpunk-inspired player and gear customizations for a dystopian edge.

This video features:

This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, January 20.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Syntac
Syntac tames a Desolatitan and tests its abilities!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: Gingarella
In this video, Gingarella shows you a great method to defeat the Forest Titan solo on Official PVE!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Sky mid-battle against a corrupted Rex (Art trade with  @WolfTek7) by @TekARK_01

Locke next to a tek trike (Art trade with  @TekARK_01) by @WolfTek7

The Aberration is fun by @kiba_tsume0220

Gassy Bags by @SoupAscended

ARK Shastasaurus by dragon0415sk

Gasbags are so cute! by prettylilfreak_

Evo Giganotosaurus by nezuyu

Photo Mode by frozen_soap

Photo Mode by cosmicman5455

Photo Mode by catcat_wesley

Photo Mode by mimuspolyglottos

Photo Mode by moda_moda_moda

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

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