1. ARK: Survival Ascended
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ARK: Survival Ascended News

Community Crunch 448: ARK The Animated Series Cosmetic Pack Coming Soon!

Last week, Megaraptor took the crown in the latest community creature vote and will be stomping its way onto Valguero when the map launches in ARK: Survival Ascended later this year. While you wait, a new animated skin pack is on the horizon, giving you more ways to customize your ARK with a fresh new look.

Download in full resolution

Get ready to complete your animated collection on March 26th! This massive pack is packed with a vibrant lineup of creatures and characters, ensuring you're well on your way to a full set of skins based on the ARK The Animated Series. Soon, you’ll be able to bring stunning new animated looks to your ARK and create your own adventures—all for $14.99!

This pack includes...
  • Jane
  • Chava
  • Rebel Mei Yin
  • New-Armor Mei Yin

Creature Skins:
  • Anglerfish
  • Araneo
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Baryonyx
  • Basilosaurus
  • Carbonemys
  • Castoroides
  • Chalicotherium
  • Compy
  • Dimetrodon
  • Dire Bear
  • Dung Beetle
  • Electrophorus
  • Gallimimus
  • Giant Bee
  • Hesperornis
  • Hyaenodon
  • Kaprosuchus
  • Lystrosaurus
  • Megalosaurus
  • Megatherium
  • Mosasaurus
  • Onyc
  • Ovis
  • Pachyrhinosaurus
  • Pegomastax
  • Pelagornis
  • Piranha
  • Procoptodon
  • Purlovia
  • Rhyniognatha
  • Terror Bird
  • Titanoboa
  • Titanosaur
  • Troodon
  • Tusoteuthis
  • Woolly Rhino
  • Achatina
  • Allosaurus
  • Arthropluera
  • Beelzebufo
  • Carcharodontosaurus
  • Carnotaurus
  • Coelacanth
  • Dilo
  • Dimorphodon
  • Diplocaulus
  • Diplodocus
  • Direwolf
  • Dunkleosteus
  • Equus
  • Ichthyornis
  • Ichthyosaurus
  • Iguanodon
  • Kairuku
  • Kentrosaurus
  • Mammoth
  • Manta
  • Megaloceros (Male + Female)
  • Megalodon
  • Microraptor
  • Moschops
  • Oviraptor
  • Pachy
  • Paraceratherium
  • Phiomia
  • Plesiosaur
  • Pulmonoscorpius
  • Sabertooth Salmon
  • Sarco
  • Spino
  • Tapejara
  • Therizinosaur
  • Thylacoleo
  • Vulture


Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:

ARKpocalypse servers have been wiped today!

What is ARKpocalypse?
  • ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates.
  • Next wipe: April 4th, 20205
For this round, the following mods will be included: 
You can join them by searching in the server browser! Happy Surviving!

This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, March 10.

  • PVP/PVE: 3x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 5.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 5x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 6x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Second Wave Survivors
Second Wave Survivors built a 5.6km long—totally safe—slide in ARK without any mods.
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: Jimbob
Jimbob gets his first carnivore mount on Primal Astraeos—small but mighty!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Forest Titan by @falco_luna

Ark art of the tamed gotten by Underdash by dinosareneat

Ark redesign is the T-Rex by shatteredreaiity

Chibi Murder Chicken by ellies-space36

3D printed Riffle with stand by posejdoon

"The Trike" Oil on canvas by TELLES

Deinonychus art doll handmade by sayvaris

This is Big John and Bertha by trench-surfer

Photo Mode by frozen_soap

Photo mode by izziekathryn

Photo mode by evildragon6058

I've been looking for a long time and finally found one... I'm so happy by @Moni8mok

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

Community Crunch 447: Community Creature Winner, LiveOps Update and more

Survival takes a sharp turn this week as the community-voted winner sinks its claws into the spotlight! With its lightning speed and razor-sharp instincts, this prehistoric predator is set to shake up the ARK in ways we can’t wait to dive into! Meanwhile, on the LiveOps front, we’ve been kept on our toes. We’ll break it all down, along with the steps we’re taking to keep things running as smoothly as possible.

With over 32k votes, Megaraptor will be the new creature added to Valguero for ARK: Survival Ascended. We are looking forward to sharing its concept and dossier in the weeks to come!

If you are interested in seeing exactly how the voting went, check it out here.

* Note that we'll be reading through these threads and using them as inspiration for how the creature will be designed; aspects suggested may change.

Our hosting providers are facing a severe, ongoing DDoS attack, which has caused recent outages, including those over the past 48 hours. We're actively working with our partners to mitigate the issue, but as with these types of attacks, we don’t yet have an estimated resolution.

While our partners work on it, we've taken steps to protect player progress:
  • Increased the upload timer to 72 hours (and we’ll extend it further if needed).
  • Temporarily disabled decay timers to prevent loss of player progress.
  • Taken certain regions offline to protect player data when necessary.
  • Extending the time on Expire Servers to give everyone a chance to retrieve their characters and items. Once things are more stable, we’ll announce a date—don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of notice.
We're closely monitoring mitigation efforts with our partners, but please keep in mind that the situation may continue to evolve.

We’ll be holding on running an EVO event this week in light of the instability–we’ll look to do something nice for players in that regard when this is all resolved. 

Thanks for your patience and support while we work through this!

Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:
Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Etholdir
Etholdir guides you a tour of his beautiful gardens on Astraeos!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: JoeLaFritt_ *international corner* JoeLaFritt has a helpful guide to help you start right on the mod ARK Descended!
JoeLaFritt te guide afin de t'aider à partir du bon pied sur le mod ARK Descended!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Amidst the barren earth... by @ewo_zaur

Federation airborne by @TekARK_01

Fan Art by ._rosiiee_.

Mae-chan by @cat22nyaa

My fav yuty by widetyranitar

Fan Art by akeunyub

They're so silly and I needed to doodle by savvytabby

Photo Mode by godzilla402

Omg by tkgoji230

Juagku-style architecture by @oititukumono

A Greek Starter House! by lolsatlance

Photo Mode by targaryenreignn

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

Community Crunch 446: Community Creature Vote, Astraeos Update, and more!

Survivors, we’re thrilled to see so many of you enjoying Astraeos! While we continue working on fixes to smooth out your adventures, we’ve got a little more love to share—Love Ascended will now run through Monday, giving you extra time to revel in the romance. And speaking of passion, we’ve got some words from Astraeos’ creator, Nekatus, about the journey so far…

I want to thank everyone for the support and love for Astraeos. I am very proud to bring another official map to the game and I am very excited to bring more content to Astraeos. Our journey has only just started! We are aware of the technical issues and we are very actively working on resolving them to bring you as bug-free a map as possible.

Thank you for your patience, your feedback, and for your reports! I also wanted to give you an idea about what to expect from the next major content update. Here are the details:

The conclusion of the Valguero Community Creature Vote is just around the corner, and the competition has been fierce! The submitted creatures have been nothing short of incredible. You still have the weekend to cast your vote and decide which creature will make its mark on Valguero in ARK: Survival Ascended!
  • The second round of voting ends on Friday, February 28th at 1 pm Pacific.
  • The winner* will be announced in the Crunch on the same day.
  • Rank the creatures in order of most preferred to least preferred
  • The vote is limited to 1 submission per person (duplicate entries will be discarded)

Below are the candidates that have made it into the final 10. Find out more information about the creature by clicking on the hyperlink attached to the name. Cast your vote here.

Overview of all the finalists here.

* Note that once the winner has been determined, we'll be reading through these threads and using them as inspiration for how the creature will be designed; aspects suggested may change.

Download in full resolution

Can you feel the love in the air? Love Ascended is now extended until Monday, February 24, 2025. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine’s Day brings an array of enchanting new treats and delights!

To view all the event details, click here.

Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:

Periodically we perform maintenance on our Official Server Network. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress.

Here are the dates for the upcoming maintenance:
  • February 25th at 8:00AM PT / 11:00AM ET
  • February 26th at 7:30AM PT / 10:30AM ET
  • February 27th at 7:30AM PT / 10:30AM ET
To see if your server will be affected follow this page.

Expire servers are temporary servers across the network that will eventually be removed, and you can find them by searching for "Expire" in the session filter.

These servers will be online until 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on February 28th. We're preemptively using our allocation for future maps to host some additional sessions that players can travel onto to farm, tame, and experience the newest content Gameplay. The same transfer restrictions apply in that you are only able to download your character, but you can freely take anything off. This is to help reduce load off some of the other servers, or provide players an option for those who just want to jump onto a new map temporarily.

Please note that these servers will no longer exist after 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on February 28th, so if you intend to use them, remember to transfer your items/creatures/characters off before that date, as nothing will be saved beyond that time period.

Please note that some locations will be made non-buildable with the patch coming mid-next week. Inside the caves as well as the areas around the cave entrance will be affected. If you built in this area, make sure you move location before then.

[h3]Lat 12 / Lon 45[/h3]

[h3]Lat 46 / Long 11[/h3]

This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, February 24.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Savkyn
Build your very own Greek estate on a secluded island of Astraeos with this tutorial and tour!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: BEYPlaysGames
BEYPlaysGames takes a dive into what are the best and most useful creatures to tame for beating Astraeos.
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Metchup the Lystro by chepedukduks

Titan Trio by nezuyu

Maewing by @kinosei_x2

Maeguana by @SS38529630

Happy Valentine's Day by @falco_luna

Quetzalcoatlus by Snotty

Ark: The Animated Series, Wakíya Natá Ú by Tostín

This is where you came from lil guy! by lhannan

I Built a Giant Car by antoniopepperonio

Desolablue by acq.mp3

This thing's pretty neat by cosmicman5455

Photo Mode by frozen_soap

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

Community Crunch 445: Astraeos, Love Ascended, and more!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Survivors! Whether you're spending the day with loved ones in the real world or braving the wilds together on the ARKs, we hope your adventures are filled with friendship, laughter, and a little extra love.

Here's a nostalgic gem for you–one of our favorite pieces of Valentine's event Community Art from way back in 2015!

Image credit by CamelKing86

The wait is over—Astraeos, the breathtaking map crafted by Nekatus and sponsored by Nitrado, has officially arrived as an Official Partner DLC!

Spanning ~264km², this vast, ever-expanding landscape seamlessly connects to the main clusters with official servers. But this is just the beginning—like the legends that inspired it, Astraeos will continue to grow, with new realms, challenges, and updates shaping the world over time.

Step into the realm of gods, uncover its secrets, and begin your legendary journey today!

Alongside this map, you will encounter a new creature, the Maeguana. Its motherly nature will help nurture your babies, and its skin membrane will guide you to safety.

This striking variant of the Maewing fuses the agility of its counterpart with a robust, reptilian appearance worthy of the gods of the pantheon.

Download in full resolution

Download in full resolution

Can you feel the love in the air? Love Ascended is now live on all platforms and is now extended until Friday, February 21, 2025. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine’s Day brings an array of enchanting new treats and delights!

To view all the event details, click here.

The next winner of our Community Creature Vote will be featured on Valguero. Get your endlessly creative submissions ready, and you might see your creature making its debut with the release of the Valguero map in ARK: Survival Ascended!

Please note that this creature will be released for Valguero, so ensure your real-world submissions align with that map's theme!

Check out the Creature Submission Guidelines for more information on the submission process, and hop over to the Creature Submission Forum to see the current entries. We are looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life!
  • The entry period will end at 1pm Pacific on February 20th.
  • The voting will begin at 1pm PST on February 21st and end on February 28th at 1pm Pacific.
  • The winner will be announced in the Crunch of February 28th.

Make sure to check our Twitter on February 21st for the RankedVote link!

*Note that the proposed features for the creatures from the submission entry are meant to inspire their design, but certain aspects may still be modified.
This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Friday, February 21.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding

Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Creator: Mystic on Ark
This Maeguana trap will make taming this variant of the Maewing easy!
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Creator: GoofyHero
GoofyHero gives a quick tour of what to expect of Astraeos.
[previewyoutube]YOUTUBE URL[/previewyoutube]

Adorable Otter by prettylilfreak_

Part 16 of Drawing Every Dino Dossier. by cascadingcaramel

Earning Trust by nezuyu

A beacon of hope by @TekARK_01

Reaper King by Azuresauru

Last Stand by @WolfTek7

Snow owl by @k3zk627

Absolutely Beautiful by tkgoji230

Astraeos Base build Project by tikkytoktok

Mug by frozen_soap

Photo Mode by princecursed

Antro family by alexj_21

Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark

Discord: discord.com/invite/playark

Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark

Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark

Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark

Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110

Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark

Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark

Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

Astraeos and Love Ascended are live!


The wait is over—Astraeos, the breathtaking map crafted by Nekatus and sponsored by Nitrado, has officially arrived as an Official Partner DLC!

Originally planned as our June Premium Map Surprise, we’re bringing this mythical world to you early, launching today for $14.99 as a fully integrated DLC instead of a Premium Mod.

Spanning ~264km², this vast, ever-expanding landscape seamlessly connects to the main clusters with official servers. But this is just the beginning—like the legends that inspired it, Astraeos will continue to grow, with new realms, challenges, and updates shaping the world over time.

Step into the realm of gods, uncover its secrets, and begin your legendary journey today!

Alongside this map, you will encounter a new creature, the Maeguana. Its motherly nature will help nurture your babies, and its skin membrane will guide you to safety.

This striking variant of the Maewing fuses the agility of its counterpart with a robust, reptilian appearance worthy of the gods of the pantheon.

Download in full resolution

Download in full resolution

Can you feel the love in the air? Love Ascended is now live on all platforms. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine’s Day bring an array of enchanting new treats and delights!

  • Starts on Thursday, February 13, 2025at 10:00 am PST
  • Ends on Friday, February 21, 2025, 10:00 am PST

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding
  • Lovebirds *new*
  • Love Bugs
  • Vday Coel
  • Chibi-Lovebird *new*
  • Chibi Pair-o-Saurs *new*
  • Valentine’s Fishing Rod
  • Love Bug Hearts
  • Festive Dino Candy
  • Box o' Chocolates (Now also reduce mating cooldown by 20% of current time remaining)
  • Pillow-Club Skin  *new*
  • Loveseat *new*
  • Ottoman *new*
  • Love-Chair *new*
  • Pajama Top *new*
  • Pajama Bottoms *new*
  • SleepingHat *new*
  • PomPom Slippers *new*
  • Friendship Bracelets *new*
  • Bear Hug Swimsuit
  • Odd Couple Swimsuit
  • Sauropod Heart Swimsuit
  • Cupid Couture Bottom Skin
  • Cupid Couture Top Skin
  • Halo Headband Skin
  • Heart-shaped Sunglasses Skin
  • Heart Spring Hat
  • Cuddle Rex Sweater
  • Bow & Eros Skin
  • Heart-shaped Shield Skin
  • Teddy Bear Grenade Skin
  • Love Shackles Skin
  • Heart Spring Hat
  • Cuddle Rex Sweater
  • Love-Bed
  • Proposal Emote *new*
  • Lasso Emote *new*
  • Flirty Emote
  • Heart Emote
  • Self Hug Emote
  • Dino Light Blue
  • WyvernBlue0
  • PowderBlue
  • Glacial
  • DarkLavender
  • MediumLavender
  • Lavender
  • DarkViolet
  • Dino Light Purple
  • LightPink
  • Magenta
  • DeepPink
  • Red
  • DarkMagenta
  • Dino Albino
  • Cream
  • Jade
  • LeafGreen
  • From the Main Menu, select the mod tab.
  • Search for Love Ascended in the ARK Mod list and Install it. Mod ID: 927084
  • After it's installed, go back to your game setup screen and select 'Mod Settings'
  • You will see Love Ascended and any other mods you've downloaded in 'Available Mods'
  • Select Love Ascended and activate it.