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  3. Cool off this summer with BattleBlock Theater on sale!

Cool off this summer with BattleBlock Theater on sale!

It's time to choose your summer attire, sire, because BattleBlock Theater is 70% off thanks to the Steam Summer Sale, now through July 11th! Say hello to our favorite Hattington for me?

[h2]BattleBlock Theater - 70% Off[/h2]

But wait, there's more! The Behemoth's entire game collection is on sale to celebrate the warm Summer months! Check 'em out, or don't — the choice is up to you. And your wallet, really.

[h3]Alien Hominid Invasion - 20% Off[/h3]

[h3]Alien Hominid HD - 20% Off [/h3]

[h3]Castle Crashers - 90% Off[/h3]

[h3]Pit People - 60% Off[/h3]