1. Primal Fray
  2. News
  3. 1.5.6 - Demo and Prologue Update

1.5.6 - Demo and Prologue Update

We are taking your feedback seriously so we made sure to make both the DEMO and PROLOGUE of Primal Fray feel as good as possible. In this update we have multiple new features for you to check out. As well as squashing some annoying bugs!

[h3]Game Feel:[/h3]
- Added camera movement highlighting key actions during combat (toggable)
- Added screenshake (toggable)
- Added stop frames and slow motion on unit deaths
- Added mana generation and spending visualisation (crystals flying to and from units)
- Earned currencies now drop into the vials
- Fight speed up now has values of (1x / 3x / 5x) instead of (1x / 1,5x / 2x)

- Better mastering of sound
- More high quality SFX for units
- More high quality SFX for effects and explosions
- New sound indicating enemy movement

[h3]Bug fixes:[/h3]
- Fixed softlock after enemy movement
- Fixed softlock after attacking an enemy
- Fixed continuity errors present on exiting fights in crucial moments
- Exiting the tutorial before reaching it's conclusion doesn't check it as done now
- Fixed white "on hit" material staying on the screen indefinitely
- Fixed Spreading Flames boon which shouldn't have influenced enemy units
- Earning more than 20 boons doesn't freeze the game now (wow we didn't think it was possible!)
- Fixed walking sound which would play indefinitely after exiting to menu while a unit is walking
- Sometimes after destroying water abilities interacting with empty tiles wouldn't highlight them immediatly
- Sometimes movement distance wasn't shown properly
- Fixed the exploit which could softlock the tutorial by leaving and reentering combat on certain frames
- Fixed multiple text and visual errors

[h3]In Summary:[/h3]
The game shouldn't sfotlock you anymore and feel more responsive to play.
Be sure to check it out and share your feedback with us on discord!