1. DFHack - Dwarf Fortress Modding Engine
  2. News
  3. DFHack 51.04-r1.1

DFHack 51.04-r1.1

This release is compatible with all distributions of Dwarf Fortress: Steam, Itch, and Classic.

Currently, each distribution channel of DF has a different version. This release of DFHack is specifically compatible with:
  • Dwarf Fortress 51.04 on Steam
  • Dwarf Fortress 51.03 on Itch
  • Dwarf Fortress 51.02 Classic
Please report any issues (or feature requests) on the DFHack GitHub issue tracker. When reporting issues, please upload a zip file of your savegame and a zip file of your mods directory to the cloud and add links to the GitHub issue. Make sure your files are downloadable by "everyone with the link". We need your savegame to reproduce the problem and test the fix, and we need your active mods so we can load your savegame. Issues with savegames and mods attached get fixed first!
[h2]New Features[/h2]
  • stonesense:
    • added option EXTRUDE_TILES to slightly expand sprite to avoid gaps (on by default)
    • added option PIXELPERFECT_ZOOM to change the zoom scale to avoid gaps (off by default)
    • added back minecart track graphics
  • Ctrl-a hotkeys have been changed to something else (Ctrl-n) for tools that also have an editable text field, where Ctrl-a is interpreted as select all text
  • advtools: fix dfhack-added conversation options not appearing in the ask whereabouts conversation tree
  • gui/launcher:
    • ensure commandline is fully visible when searching through history and switching from a very long command to a short command
    • flatten text when pasting multi-line text from the clipboard
  • gui/rename: fix error when changing the language of a unit's name
  • stonesense:
    • fixed announcement text rendering off-screen with larger font sizes
    • screen dimensions are now properly set when overriden by a window manager
    • fixed glass cabinets and bookcases being misaligned by 1 pixel
    • fixed unrevealed walls being hidden by default
    • vampires no longer show their true name when they shouldn't
    • fixed debug performance timers to show milliseconds as intended
    • CACHE_IMAGES now disables mipmapping, stopping sprites from going transparent
    • fixed issue where depth borders wouldn't be rendered for some walls
    • fixed issue where tiles near the bottom edge would be culled
[h2]Misc Improvements[/h2]
  • assign-preferences: new --show option to display the preferences of the selected unit
  • pref-adjust: new show command to display the preferences of the selected unit
  • stonesense:
    • improved the way altars look
    • fog no longer unnecessarily renders to a separate bitmap
    • added new connective tiles for pools of blood and vomit
  • gui/control-panel: removed craft-age-wear tweak for Windows users; the tweak doesn't currently load on Windows
  • Core :: getUnpausedMs: new API for getting unpaused ms since load in a fort-mode game