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Border Pioneer News

Patch v0.99.19

  • Map editor uploads now use a map screenshot as the cover (the screen display at the time of upload).
  • The map editor now supports spawn point grouping for configuring spawn points at different locations.
  • Fixed a bug where the effect range and visual range of permanent fortification were inconsistent.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could sometimes pass directly through walls.
  • "Golems," "Frost Golems," and "Giant Mushy" now have resistance and cannot be directly devoured by the Dragonling.
  • Fixed a bug where the movement cost through walls was too low.
  • Fixed incorrect attack reduction for some upgrades in treasure chests, such as "Frost Missile."
  • Fixed incorrect attack boosts for some upgrades in treasure chests, such as "Giant Log."
  • Reduced the food bonus of "Cauldron Stew."
  • Increased the construction cost of the "Magic Cauldron."
  • Improved the attributes of "Bandits."
  • Limited custom map size to a maximum of 96*96.
  • "Trade Tax" now caps at a maximum of 100 gold.
  • Language selection can now be cycled in reverse using the right mouse button.
  • Removed map boundary restrictions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bridgehead could take effect without requiring an upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug where the Demon Eye could cause a significant increase in unit movement speed.
  • The editor can now copy the month list for spawn points.
  • The healing effect of the Nature Well has been increased by 4 times, and the cooldown has been extended to 60 seconds.
  • The Dragonling's defense has been increased to 10.
  • The base production of mines has been increased by +1.

Patch v0.99.17

  • Fixed a bug where the "Prince's" "Defense Command" effect incorrectly increased damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Fairy's" attack projectile lingered for too long.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Demon Eye" could repeatedly cast the same skill.
  • Fixed incorrect display of the "Druid Cabin" in non-Chinese languages.
  • Fixed a bug where the 12th card in hand was invisible.
  • Fixed a bug where the foundation remained after demolishing a building.
  • Fixed incorrect interaction animations for the "Nature Well."
  • Fixed a bug where dispatch missions allowed too many participants.
  • Fixed incorrect "Commercial Goods" bonuses.
  • Fixed a bug where monster spawn points could appear in the top-left corner of random maps.
  • Fixed a bug where monsters prioritizing buildings would switch targets repeatedly, causing them to spin in place.
  • Orc Airship: Now uses flying unit AI. If it dies in an unreachable location, no orcs will spawn.
  • Walls: Increased the cost and health of all walls.
  • Conscript Militias: No longer consumes the current available population.
  • Ballista: Renamed to "Ballista Tower" and updated its animation assets.
  • Orc Cavalry: Reduced attack power and increased attack interval. Increased damage of the first attack during "Charge."
  • Demons: Removed the splash effect from fireballs. Fireballs can no longer hit multiple units.
  • Level 5-3: Adjusted the enemy spawn sequence for October. Enemies now appear in two distinct waves.
  • Level 5-3 (First Clear): Reduced the number of monsters summoned by the Demon Eye boss after resurrection. (In subsequent playthroughs, the Demon Eye's resurrection will not open additional portals.)
  • Level 1-3: Adjusted monster spawns for November and December to smooth the difficulty curve.
  • Giant Mushy: Adjusted strength.
  • Bosses: Delayed the appearance of all bosses.
  • Level 3-3: Adjusted monster spawn cycles.
  • Updated the display style for locked tiles.
  • Enemy AI: Reduced the probability of enemies attacking walls.
  • Treant: Increased attack power, attack growth, and experience required for leveling up.
  • Old Tree: Increased attack power, attack growth, and experience required for leveling up.
  • Priests: Improved healing spells. Priests can now heal 4 units simultaneously, but healing amount is reduced by 50%.
  • Movement Penalty: Reduced the penalty for moving through forests.
  • Falconer: Reduced rarity.
  • Rich Mine: Can now be demolished.
  • Ghosts and Frost Ghosts: Now become visible when approaching a target within a certain distance, rather than after attacking.
  • Enemy Golems: Reduced their damage bonus against buildings.
  • Baby Dragon: Now grows in size and increases skill range when learning new skills. Reconstructed the Baby Dragon's fire breath.
  • Fairies: Reduced range by 0.5.
  • Thatch House: Fixed incorrect sound effects and effect range after upgrading.
  • Natural Faction Development Packs: Added "Afforestation" to all packs.
  • Improved monster AI targeting buildings.
  • Adjusted the display of locked tiles for better clarity.

Patch v0.99.16

  • Fixed a bug where the screen would remain black after canceling the discard window in the card pack interface.
  • Fixed an incorrect description for the "Furnace."
  • Fixed a bug where the Repair Hut could repair the "Purification Tower" and "Resist Tower."
  • Fixed a bug where loading a save file with empty slots could cause misplacement (e.g., spawn points appearing outside the map).
  • Increased the hand size limit to 12 cards. If the hand exceeds the limit, a reminder will appear when new cards are sent to the discard pile.
  • Adjusted the "Tavern": increased gold production, reduced food consumption, and removed penalties for multiple taverns.
  • Increased the base attack and attack growth of the "Multi Tower" but increased its attack interval.
  • Increased the hitbox width of "Ballista" attacks.
  • "Bomb Trap" can now be attacked by enemies (including ranged enemies). Removed chain explosions but significantly increased their health and defense.
  • Increased the defense of "Beast Companion."

Patch v0.99.12

  • Fixed a bug where the abandoned mine could not be clicked.
  • Resolved an issue where empty save files were incorrectly displayed as deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where summoned caravans would disappear after loading a save file.
  • Fixed an issue in the map editor where invalid saves were allowed.
  • Fixed a bug in Level 4-3 where the monster wave in June was incorrect.
  • Resolved an issue where monster spawn points were abnormal after loading a save file.

The update to version 0.99.10 may cause errors in existing game sessions.

Due to adjustments in the save mechanism in version 0.99.10, incompatibility issues may arise in ongoing games. This could result in bugs such as incorrect monster spawn points, failure to spawn monsters properly, or incorrect display of game objectives.
These issues will be resolved when starting a new game.