1. Border Pioneer
  2. News
  3. Patch v0.99.25

Patch v0.99.25

  • Added an in-game encyclopedia and tutorial hints within the encyclopedia (this is very important).
  • Fixed an issue in the map editor where setting multiple endless waves of monsters caused errors.
  • Fixed a bug where the initial health of fairies was incorrect.
  • Upgrading the Fairy Assembly Hall now increases the number of idle residents it occupies (yes, folks, I know this is a significant nerf).
  • Summoning fairies can now be used multiple times in a single battle.
  • Reduced some enemy attributes in Pioneer difficulty, and additional enemies no longer appear.
  • Increased the base attributes of Axe Throwers.
  • Increased the base health of Lightning Mages but reduced their defense.
  • Reduced the additional cost of some units and increased the additional cost of Mages.
  • Increased the base attack power of all Mages.
  • Increased the base attack power of Druids.
  • Brutes now only consume 4 idle residents.
  • Reduced the cost of Permanent Fortification, and multiple can now be used in a single turn.
  • Modified the collision logic of walls.