1. Swordai
  2. News
  3. Patch 0.5.0 - New Miniboss, Dungeon Area, Traps, Puzzles and more

Patch 0.5.0 - New Miniboss, Dungeon Area, Traps, Puzzles and more

First of, I'm extremely excited to present the new official game trailer:

Update 0.5.0 is a major update as it has all the intended gameplay for the next playtest that should open up in roughly 2-3 weeks. All that is missing is some visuals / sounds and some polish. I will spend the next few weeks bug fixing / balancing / etc. based on everyone's feedback while I also flesh out the missing visuals / sounds.

Here are the full patch notes:

  • Added a new section of the dungeon that is currently inbetween the two existing sections featuring axe traps, puzzles, a new mini boss and more
  • Implemented a first pass at an intended loot mechanic. Chests increase in quality the longer they go with no one looting them. Right now this just affects essence, its mostly just to test out the code.
  • Redid some of the animations and AI for the claw based enemies (the new mini boss is of this type)
  • Added a knockback to kicks after finally figuring out the best way to make knockbacks buttery smooth. The mini-boss has a knock back based ability as well. In the future he will drop the ability shard for it and you will be able to equip it
  • Some AI changes / bug fixes
  • Implemented the randomization system for some aspects of the dungeon. Enemy spawns in certain areas and puzzle solutions randomize themselves as the game runs. This is pretty minor at the moment and mostly just testing out that the system works well.
  • Added a server select for the tower, and am testing out multiple instances of the tower running in parallel on the same server. In the long term in won't work that way (different processes will handle different areas of the tower so rather than 8 processes running 8 tower instances, it would be 8 processes each controller 1/8th of a single big tower instance) but the current parallelization will work well for the next playtest.
  • More sound customization for specific enemies including sounds for the claw lizards
  • Many many small changes to the pretty much every level
  • Some fairly minor performance optimizations