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  3. Playtest 2 Starts This Week!

Playtest 2 Starts This Week!

Update 0.5.3 is out and contains a lot of polish as well as a few significant gameplay tweaks for the next playtest which will start later this week. Be sure to follow the game and to click "Request Access" for the playtest on the main steam page. You'll get an email when you get access to the playtest.

Here are the full patch notes.

  • When you run out of tower time, rather than being removed from the tower immediately, you get the "Final Fury" status effect which drains your health continuously. The effect is removed if you do something to gain tower time (eg kill an something, loot a chest, etc). This allows you to potentially recover if you run out of time.
  • All red portals now send you to the same spawn point if you follow someone within 30s of them teleporting
  • You can now hold F or press and release F to interact with things like portals / chests / etc, before holding didn't work as one might expect
  • If you tap an offhand ability and immediately release the button to cancel it, it only has a 1s cooldown, to prevent you from accidentally blowing your cooldown
  • Significantly increased the time limit for inputting the code on puzzle doors
  • Made it more clear that you should leave your home and go to the trail of initiation after completing the first stage of training
  • Significantly increased the amount of tower time the killing most npcs gives.
  • Fixed a bug where chests weren't scaling the tower time given based on how long it had been since they were looted
  • Fixed a bug where leaving the tower server and rejoining could make your tower time not display properly
  • Added a slider to change the overall game volume
  • Added a new shrine buff that grants life steal on combo attacks only
  • You now steal shrine buffs with their remaining duration as well as soul keys if you kill a player who has one and loot their crystal
  • Made the initiation trial door only require 60 essence to open
  • A lot of decoration / minor cosmetic improvements
  • Increased shrine buff durations to 15 min
  • Increased the absorption and reflection on the molten edge buff to 3
  • Added achievements
  • Many minor bug fixes

Super excited for the next playtest to start. It should be just a few days!