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  3. Dev Diary // Common Requests, Update 0.12, and a little more

Dev Diary // Common Requests, Update 0.12, and a little more

Hello explorers!
As mentioned in our previous dev diary, we plan to release another major update before the end of the year. We’ll dive into what’s coming, but first, let’s address some...

[h3]Common Requests[/h3]
🔹 Teleport movement
In ITR1, less than 10% of players used teleport movement. Even with such numbers, we understand this feature is very important to those that need it. However, as of now, it is not high on the priority list of features for ITR2, at least until full release.
🔹 Chest rig customization
We’ve thought about this a lot, but still haven’t found an optimal implementation. For now, this feature is still up in the air and will need more time. In the meantime we’ll keep adding QoL settings and various vest options.
🔹 Knives
The introduction of knives is highly uncertain, as implementing melee combat at a high standard is challenging, and it would heavily affect gameplay and balance. At the very least, don’t expect them before full release.
🔹 Support for HTC Vive, Pico 4, and other headsets
At this stage, we cannot guarantee full compatibility with all VR headsets. We’re testing the game primarily on Quest and Index, as they are the most common, and we can’t promise full support for all other devices before the game’s release.
🔹 Full weapon disassembly
While we’ve discussed this, we concluded that implementing full disassembly in VR would be too labor-intensive and not entirely justified for ITR2. We’ve settled on a modular approach for some weapons, which better fits the experience we’re aiming for.
🔹 Performance issues
We’re constantly working on optimizing the game for stability and smoothness across a variety of PC configurations. While it’s impossible to ensure perfect performance on every possible combination of hardware and software, we’ll continue to address the most common performance issues and smooth out optimization with each update.

Now on to the good news!

[h3]What’s In Update 0.12?[/h3]
First of all, we’re planning to release two new weapons, each with a couple of variations. We’re also working on a larger set of new weapons and will share more about our approach to them in the future.

The upcoming update will introduce the first iteration of wear and recovery through basic cleaning for all weapons.

We’re also continuing to expand the armor system with the introduction of ballistic helmets. Unlike ITR1, which had only one head protection option, ITR2 will feature multiple ballistic helmets, each with distinct properties and additional options. Later, we’ll add various attachments that can be mounted on the helmet or used separately.

In update 0.12, we’ll be introducing a new spatial mechanic to the Radius locations – Distortion Zones (work in progress title). This is an evolution of the gas areas from ITR1, which we’ve transformed into unique Radius phenomena. These are dangerous areas, clearly marked, that you shouldn’t enter without special gear. Initially, we’ll add only the weakest Distortion Zones, but in the future, they’ll vary in levels of danger.

To help Explorers venture into these zones, we (and the Committee of course) will be introducing special distortion protection gear, which you can wear on your head instead of a ballistic helmet. This gear will provide players with a fixed time to explore the appropriately levelled zone before taking damage.

Additionally, we’ll be introducing a new enemy type in several variations. This will be a redesigned version of one of the enemies from the first game. We can say upfront, it’s not the Slider – we have enough late-game enemies at the moment.

With the introduction of this new enemy, the set of enemies in the current locations will align more closely with our original vision (and once the second main location is released, Sniper Mimics and Gunners will no longer appear in the current ones).

We’re also significantly improving the visual design of the Radius locations. Expect updates to the sky, sun, day-night cycle, and reworked landscape textures, colors, and ash accumulations. Also reimagined destructible figures will begin appearing in the Radius locations – though in limited variations at first.

Equally important changes are coming to the balance, loot, and economy systems. Full details will be in the accompanying patch notes.

Update 0.12 will also include a lot of under-the-hood work that might go unnoticed but is critical for the game’s evolution. We’re refactoring the player body, improving the mission system, refining entity spawners, optimizing graphics, and handling plenty of technical tasks.

[h3]What’s Next?[/h3]
In parallel with preparing update 0.12, we’re actively working on the next main location. We hope it will be the central content of update 0.13, which we’re aiming to release in spring next year.

We often see questions about why new locations take so long to be added. The main locations are the largest content pieces in the game, and naturally, their development takes a significant amount of time. This includes prototyping, multiple iterations of level design and art direction, creating new gameplay situations, producing new environment models, designing and testing missions, as well as placing enemies, anomalies, and loot points.

At the same time, we’re prototyping new enemies and anomalies, refining solutions for all necessary weapons, interesting loot, and working on tutorials and story episodes. Expect all of this to become available gradually throughout next year!

One last important note: with our current resources and development pace, it’s become apparent to us that ITR2’s full release launch will require more time than initially projected. So we’ve decided to move the game’s release window to early 2026.

As always, these are our current plans and they can change. So keep up with our Dev Diaries to stay in the loop :)

Thank you for sharing your feedback and supporting us. We do our best to read everything and take as much as we can into account.

See you in the Radius!

[h3]Latest Diary Entries[/h3]
🔸 The Upcoming Update and More
🔸 The Post Launch Feedback
🔸 The Early Access Expectations

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