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  3. Update 0.12.0 Beta 1

Update 0.12.0 Beta 1

Hello explorers 👋
Welcome to our second major update for ITR2! Just like last time it’ll go through a beta stage, which you can participate in by following the instructions below. As always we can’t wait for your feedback, see you in the Radius :)

💠 To access the beta go to Steam, Select Into the Radius 2 game, Manage>Properties>Betas> select “active-beta”. The beta has its own save folder *(%Documents%/My Games/IntoTheRadius2)* and the saves will be compatible with the live version, once 0.12.0 fully releases. You’ll need to copy your saves from the beta folder.
💠 Be sure to remove any installed mods before playing. Otherwise you might encounter issues due to incompatibility.
💠 Make sure to use the Beta 0.12 sub forum to share your feedback!

Warning: With this update you’ll be teleported to the Facility! Some of the changed missions may reset and you’ll need to accept them again.

🔸 [Player] We changed our approach to body handling. Now legs scale to match the player’s height (nobody is 2 meters tall anymore). We’ve also added a separate sitting mode. Body turning logic has been improved and resembles ITR1 more.
🔸 [Weapons] Added 2 iconic guns – AKM and M4A1 in several variations. The length of the M4A1's telescopic stock can be adjusted.
🔸 [Weapons] All weapons have been reworked so that each firearm has at least 2 versions: 1) the simplest and weakest – found in the Radius; 2) obtained from the UNPSC – which can be a full base version or the most advanced, modified version (or both variants may exist). Configuration changes have affected all current weapons! Don't be surprised if something has disappeared or appeared. Most of the missing items should reappear at the table at the Facility, but we can’t guarantee it 100%, so be sure to check.
🔸 [Weapons] Added weapon wear and damage to the game, which degrade weapon performance and increase the chance of misfires or jams.
🔸 [Weapons] Added basic weapon cleaning (using a bench vice, spray, and a brush) to the game, allowing players to restore damaged firearms.
🔸 [Gear] Added 3 ballistic helmets: SSSh-94 ‘Sfera-S’, PASGT, and FAST helmets. They protect you from impact until they completely wear out and become useless. Some helmets have rails for flashlights and laser aiming devices.
🔸 [Radius Locations] Significantly improved the visual design of the Radius locations: new appearance of ash, the sun, the sky, time of day transitions, and numerous small changes in the landscape and details of points of interest.
🔸 [Radius Locations] The Pechorsk Anomaly now features a new phenomenon – Distortion Zones. To avoid damage, don’t venture into them without the protective gear. Distortion Zones only affect the player's health and do not damage weapons or items.
🔸 [Gear] Added special headgear that provides temporary protection within Distortion Zones.
🔸 [Enemies] Added a new low-level Monster in two variations. Good luck encountering it ;)

🔹 [Tutorial] Improved the dominant hand selection window and related options in the Tutorial.
🔹 [Settings] Added a separate option for Sitting Mode.
🔹 [Accessibility] Players with the left hand as their dominant hand automatically start the Co-op Mode with left-handed chest rig.
🔹 [Player] The speed of running backward has been reduced.
🔹 [Weapons] Added new attachments: 4 reflex sights and an adjustable magnification scope.
🔹 [Gear] Added a headlamp that can be worn separately on the head or with the SSSh-94 ‘Sfera-S’ helmet and distortion protection.
🔹 [Gear] Added a separate slot for helmets/headgear to all backpacks.
🔹 [Gear] The external slots of backpacks, including their pouches, can now hold a wider variety of items. The same applies to the chest slots of vests and chest rigs.
🔹 [Gear] It is now impossible to place an item in a chest rig or backpack if they are out of capacity – the item will fall out onto the ground. If your current backpack's limit is not enough, consider getting one with a higher-capacity.
🔹 [Gear] Rebalanced the weight and capacity of all items and equipment.
🔹 [Gear] Improved the functionality of all types of flashlights.
🔹 [Facility] Now, items in the Supply Depot display Item Info when hovering the pointer over them.
🔹 [Facility] Designed the interior transitions between the Facility modules.
🔹 [Facility] Playing checkers is now much more convenient.
🔹 [Radius Locations] Improved the rocks and their ash-covered variations.
🔹 [Radius Locations] Improved the interior walls in the houses.
🔹 [Radius Locations] Added holes in the roofs of some houses.
🔹 [Radius Locations] Added a bunch of small environmental details: updated and new furniture, and other interior items.
🔹 [Radius Locations] Added destructible human figures to the locations of the Pechorsk Anomaly.
🔹 [Enemies] Changed the number and variety of enemies in the current locations of the Radius (more low-level Monsters, fewer later-stage Mimics).
🔹 [Enemies] Improved the group behavior of enemies. Additionally, adjusted the vision and hearing of each individual enemy.
🔹 [Enemies] Changed the behavior of each Mimic type in fire fights: the distance they keep from a spotted player, the range they shoot from, their firing modes and rates of fire, and when and how they switch them.
🔹 [Enemies] Improved enemy spawners to correctly account for the player's mission progress.
🔹 [Enemies] Mimics no longer instantly turn towards the player outside of combat.
🔹 [Enemies] Mimics now check the last known position of the player more cautiously.
🔹 [Enemies] Improved the Mimics’ dialogue playback system.
🔹 [Co-op] Changed the mechanics of transition between the locations – now all players need to be near the transition point to activate the transition process.
🔹 [UI] Improved the display of overload and its absence in Player Info.
🔹 [UI] Added tooltips for all current markers on the map. Clicking on a mission marker opens the selected mission panel.
🔹 [UI] Improved the sleeping UI.

[h3]Latest Diary Entries[/h3]
🔸 Common Requests, Update 0.12, and a little more
🔸 The Upcoming Update and More
🔸 The Post Launch Feedback

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