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  2. News
  3. 1.08 Patch Notes

1.08 Patch Notes

Hello Your Honor,

We continue to improve the game based on the feedback we receive from you. First, we would like to mention a few important changes that we consider significant. You can find all the other details included in this update below.

  • Renewed pre-trial hearing system!

    The pre-trial hearing taking place in the office scene wasn't very realistic. We are now putting an end to this issue and relocating it to the courtroom as it should be. With the new system, you will be able to attend the courtroom scene, listen to the attorneys, and make decisions on their objections. With this update, we have also added new pre-trial hearing content to many cases featured in both seasons.

    We are also aware that the old interface was not very user-friendly. We've received many suggestions from you on this matter. Now, we believe that the new interface is more understandable and effective. Additionally, with this update, in some cases, attorneys will convey some of their opinions related to the case directly to you. Whether this will affect you or not is entirely up to you.

  • Is that all?
    You can see other details included in this update in the list below.

- Spelling mistakes in cases featured in Season 1 and Season 2 have been corrected.
- Performance improvements have been implemented. (We will focus more on this in future updates.)
- Enhancements have been made to relationship values and financial balance.
- A spelling mistake in the story section has been rectified.

Note: This update can work with your old save file. However, for a better gaming experience, we recommend starting a new game.

In addition to all of these, we have made a few minor bug fixes. If your issue persists or if you encounter a new error, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your feedback is very important to us. It allows us to take the game to the next level.

You can join our official Discord server for announcements, updates, and special events.

For now, that's all from us, but we will definitely be in touch again soon!

Steel Games