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  3. Kill The Climbers Early Access Patch v0.70 - Powers Update

Kill The Climbers Early Access Patch v0.70 - Powers Update

Hi all, we've released a new patch for the Early Access 0.70 version of Kill The Climbers, introducing the Climber Powers that make the game more challenging and your climbing foes more powerful!

Kill The Climbers Early Access Patch 0.70 Changelog:

New Feature: Climber Powers

Many climber enemies now have powers that activate passively during gameplay, which become increasingly challenging as they work together to reach the mountain peak! They can fight back against your animal defenders, speed past your defenses, and support one another with auras that affect every other climber on the mountain so long as they live! Take them out early to save yourself some trouble!

New Climber Powers:

- Master Climber: Speed Boost - Gains +1 Movement Speed for 1 second upon taking damage.
- Sherpa Climber: Global HP Boost Aura - Gives +1 HP and Maximum HP to all currently living climbers including itself, Sherpa auras stack.
- Jetpacker Climber: Flight - Can't be targeted or damaged by most animal defender physical attacks, except for flying or ranged attacks. Also immune to traps.
- Monk Climber: Regeneration - Heals self by 1 HP every 4 seconds.
- Hunter Climber: Shooter - Shoots Damaging Bullet at closest animal defenders and Yeti.
- Drill Sergeant Climber: Acceleration - Global Speed Boost Aura - for +0.25 Movement Speed, Stacks.
- Up-Doc Climber: Healer - Global HP Regeneration Aura +1 every 5 seconds. Doesn't Stack.
- Prospector Climber: Pickaxe - Deals damage to nearby animal defenders and Yeti in an area-of-effect radius around himself.
- Super Climber: Flight - Can't be targeted or damaged by most animal defender physical attacks, except for flying or ranged attacks. Also immune to traps.
- The Boss Climber: Global HP Regeneration Aura +1 every 1 second, which affects himself and all other climbers.

Known Issues:

- The Tutorial segment may leave certain visual tooltips beyond the tutorial's duration.
- There may be visual issues on certain monitors and resolutions.
- The 3 second pause after the in-game skills menu may not necessarily pause everything.
- Some animals sometimes may follow climbers without apparently damaging or killing them.
- Potential bug where the defender quantity meta upgrades can cause issues with animal defender behaviors and spawning. These defender issues may be present regardless of the meta upgrade.
- Some animal dens still aren't placed accurately in the Prep Phase boxes and maybe be visually overlapping with others.
- Extra animals from the Defender Quantity meta upgrade won't appear at the Prep Phase screen, will require you to put a skill point into a particular defender first.
- Doing avalanche at the game over screen may cause infinite shaking.
- Potential bugs with animal quantity meta upgrade which may not give as many as it should, or extra defenders may seemingly disappear after a time. Or, it could be that they're just stacked on top of each other perfectly so you can't see them all.
- Left-Clicking in the bottom left corner of the screen may cause your wind gust to disappear/despawn.
- Some climber abilities are not yet fully implemented and are a work in progress. For this and other reasons the game is currently easier than intended... for now.

Thanks for reading, now go kill those climbers!