2. News


Spanish Language Update

¡Hola querida comunidad!
We have some great news to share with you: Spanish language has been officially added to the latest KOF 2002 UM update!

Whether you are native speakers of the language or people who are just learning it, we are sure you will all enjoy this work. While we're at it, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you, the fans of KOF. These improvements are only possible thanks to the support you give us over time.

-Spanish language support for Service Menu within the Continue Screen
-Changed layout for How to Play screen (in Spanish only)

Spanish support and fixes in our March 2022 Update

Hi everyone,

Great news! Thanks to community support we're now happy to announce that Spanish localisation has been added to KOF2002UM. In addition, this update includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed problem where game could get stuck if opponent with 0 health blocks Gigantic Pressure attack
  • Fixed intermittent problem joining or being joined by Player 9 in the lobby
  • If two players compete to invite a third at the exact same time, the player that wasn't accepted will now correctly have their invitation rejected and be returned to the lobby
  • If two players compete to spectate a third at the exact same time after the match has already started, they will now both succeed
  • Fixed minor communication loss when a lobby member leaves
  • Fixed cases where Ranked Match didn't reset to default settings
  • URL to invite to lobby can now be used even if game is already launched
  • Updated some Japanese and Portuguese translations
  • Fixed rare crash if cerain buttons hit during certain transitions
  • Fixed situations where opponent name may not be shown in PLAYBACK
  • Made popup cancel/continue buttons consistent with the rest of the UI
  • Fixed cosmetic issue in search results highlight when revisiting menu


Hey KOF fans... we hear you liked our KOF '98UMFE update, and were wondering if KOF 2002UM would get the same treatment? Well, we're back with another exciting announcement.

You asked for it and you got it! You don't have to wonder any longer as a major update containing lobbies and spectating modes is now available to download today!
A big thanks to all the fans who have supported KOF throughout the years.

Now, invite your friends online for a good ol’ slugfest!

Free games: Twitch Prime teams up with SNK to give away 20+ arcade classics

Starting this week, Twitch will be teaming up with SNK to give Prime members free copies of a couple dozen classics from SNK's prodigious library of arcade games. Members will get the first round of free games May 26, with more to follow over the course of the summer.

The first set of games on Twitch Prime includes Art of Fighting 2, Blazing Star, Fatal Fury Special, The King of Fighters 2000 and 2002, Pulstar, and Samurai Shodown II. It's a selection that shows off exactly what SNK was famous for in the '90s: 'shmups and and fighting games. Pulstar and Blazing Star cover the shoot 'em up side, while the rest are examples of SNK's now-familiar fighting system. If you've got a mullet, a gi, and some handwraps, you're ready to rumble.

They're all Neo Geo classics, and according to the trailer from Twitch Prime, they'll be available all year once the offer goes live - despite having long and storied career devouring tokens at arcades worldwide. Perhaps some SNK executive made the decision that quarters aren't what they used to be - who can say?

Read the rest of the story...


New The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match update adds rollback netcode

Brazilian Portuguese language patch update ver.2

-Portuguese language support for Service Menu within the Continue Screen
-Changed layout for How to Play screen (in Portuguese only)