2. News
  3. New Year's Greetings (2025)

New Year's Greetings (2025)

Happy New Year!

We look forward to your continued support of “TSURUGIHIME” in the new year!

As the first greeting of the year 2025, we would like to share with you a congratulatory illustration drawn by KUROBOSHI KOUHAKU!

The New Year begins with the main character Arche! So, we hope to share more of that appearance with you this year!

We will also be working hard to deliver “TSURUGIHIME” to you in the New Year with a renewed spirit.

While you are waiting, we will continue to regularly update you on the progress of development through the “Developer's Note” this year. At the same time, we will be developing new and different approaches from last year, so please do not forget to follow the store page of "TSURUGIHIME" in addition to adding your Wishlist so that you will be notified of any updates!

We'll keep you up to date on the latest news on “TSURUGIHIME” right here on News.

Please look forward to the next update!


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