1. Herald: The Interactive Period Drama – Complete Edition
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  3. Release Date Announcement Trailer

Release Date Announcement Trailer

At long last, on May 1st, Wispfire's high seas adventure will be complete! Following the release of Books 1 and 2 of Herald: The Interactive Period Drama, we are finally ready to release the thrilling conclusion to the story of Devan Rensburg and The Herald with Herald: Complete Edition, which will include the previously-released Books 1 and 2, along with the all-new Books 3 and 4, which conclude the story.

Herald: Complete Edition is a narrative high seas adventure where player choice is vital. As Devan Rensburg, you will navigate an alternate history 19th century where the west has united into a colonial superpower known as The Protectorate. Aboard the HLV Herald, a luxurious merchant ship bound for Devan’s home country, players will begin to unravel a conspiracy that spans the globe.

Herald: Complete Edition tasks players with navigating complex politics and social norms despite inhabiting the role of a man with very little power. The narrative of the game will force players to make tough, realistic choices as they deal with a world rife with racism and intolerance due to bitter class divisions. Will you boldly call out injustice, risking an already-tenuous position, or will you bite your tongue and weather it, hoping that it will win you influence that you can use later on to make a tangible difference? Where other games put the player in a position of power, Herald: Complete Edition challenges the player to contend with the reality of an unjust world, and the restrictions that come with it.

While this game has been in development for over a decade, its message is more important now than ever before. Despite Devan’s relative powerlessness, the actions the player takes in his role can have a massive impact on his found family. At its heart, Herald: Complete Edition is a game about how everyone, no matter how powerless, can do something to change the world in a small way, and we hope that lesson stays with players long after they reach the end of our story.

Please help us spread the word, join our BlueSky and Discord to celebrate the upcoming launch. More news on the release of Herald: The Interactive Period Drama - Complete Edition will be posted soon.

- The Wispfire Team -