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  3. New Content & Savegame Compatibility

New Content & Savegame Compatibility


We're on the final stretch of finalizing our next big update, and we're excited to announce that it brings not only a lot of fixes and improvements, we're also introducing brand new content and features to New Cycle. Advanced resources, new buildings and structures, bigger maps and a new logistics mechanic will bring more depth and variety to the gameplay. We wil share more details upon release of the update, which we are planning for July 11th.

Due to the nature of Early Access, all these new content and features come with a small hook attached: savegames from the current version won't be compatible with the updated game version. To mitigate any inconvenience and to allow you to wrap up your current game runs, we'll also introduce new branches you can opt into:
  • public rollback branch: This will contain the last stable version of the game before the current update. So in this case, it will stay with the 'Alpha 130' versions, while the default build will jump to 'Alpha 140'.
  • public experimental branch: This will be a branch with mostly untested and probably instable builds for our more enthusiastic community members to check out new features and speculative content. Keep in touch on our discord to find out more.
  • naturally, the default branch will always contain the current stable version of New Cycle.

You can find more information about branch selection here . Of course you can always reach out to us in case the options above don't work out for you, best way for this would be to jump onto our community discord server .

Thank you and keep up the great support!