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Ravenous Horde News

A Month+ Playtest, Design Talk and more!

Fellow Hunters!

Today I'd like to talk about a longer period of playtesting, some gameplay updates and other tweaks. Lets start off with the bigger playtest!

[h2]A month+ long Playtest[/h2]
On the 5th of October a long playtest will start to measure progression, playtime and a lot more. During this time the server will be on 24/7 till November 10th. All the players who have requested access or request access during this playtest will be accepted immediately. So bring your friends!

Note: Your progress will be wiped upon start of this playtest to ensure everyone starts at lvl 1.

The server will hold up to 64 players, and will not receive any updates during this time unless there are some game breaking issues.

This does mean that the weekend tests are done for now.

[h2]Ammo Changes[/h2]
Currently, you have unlimited ammo but have to reload. This is changing due to the fact that this allows you to camp in a specific spot. Whilst camping in a spot is not bad, the fact that that would be the same gameplay for 20 minutes is.

Doing the exact same thing in a game for 20 minutes is boring, because you are experiencing a consistent feeling of emotions while doing so. The ideal gameplay loop has variations in it where various emotions come and go.

For example, lots of games have a limited inventory system to force players to not do the same constantly, even if they technically could by dumping their inventory items. Minecraft, Borderlands, Skyrim and so many other games use this system to force you to head back to a town/base and sell or store it all. Otherwise you'd just combat or mine for hours and hours.

The same goes for Ravenous Horde, as mentioned sitting in a corner isn't the way for 20 minutes. So from now on your weapons have limited ammo. And to replenish the ammo you can head to one of the 2 specific ammo refill points on any map to grab some more at a small cost. These replenish points are clearly visible and also marked on the mini-map. They're placed on strategic spots to prevent camping near them.

With this change you have moments where you are actively shooting, but also moments of actively trying to find the shortest route towards a nearby refill point without having to rush through a horde. Next to that this also changes the way you use ammo, probably more conservatively and trying to get every shot to count.

The gameplay of the game will remain more arcade-y than tactical/realistic. The amount of ammo you have per gun is not fully balanced yet around the refilling mechanic. The goal is not to have you constantly having to refill, but rather do so only a few times per match.

This change will be in the new patch before the big Playtest session.

[h2]Other Gameplay Changes[/h2]
Some other changes regarding the AI zombies have changed too. Currently the amount of AI zombies scales with the amount of players. But when playing solo it felt underwhelming. You had a few zombies but not the masses you'd expect reading the game title. This needed to change as I think playing this solo (on a server) should also be fun!

So I've greatly optimized the AI zombies to use less resources and how I could use more of them at the same time without degrading performance. Mainly spawning and deleting the AI zombies took a big toll when trying to instantly spawn or kill 10 with a grenade for example. Now they're being reused (pooled, in game dev terms) and behind the scenes there are always at least 50 of them ready to bite your arm.

AI zombies have less HP and deal a bit less damage. However they come in greater numbers quickly even when playing solo. In addition their health now also increases with time, making them deadlier every second the timer ticks. The AI zombies also more or less come in "waves", you'll have busy periods and periods where there are only 1 or 2. This is done for the same reason as the previous chapter, to have variations in how the game feels. And also to give you some breathing room to go towards a ammo refill station.

AI zombies also still scale in amount/health with more players, but this time I wanted to focus first on the solo experience.

I briefly mentioned perks in the last post. But more of them are on the way!
About ~40% of all perks are currently in as of typing. But more will be added during this and next week before the playtest starts.

In the screenshot below you can see the ones that are currently in for the Hunter. I've started with the most basic/easy ones to get it all working first. The more prominent ones, such as cluster grenades take a bit more time to get right, so they'll be added among the last ones. (They also require a high level to unlock)

As you might have noticed, there are no values displayed on the perk menu. Or even on the loadout menu. This is done intentionally as often "meta" builds arise after a while when people figure out that X gun with Y perks does the most theoretical DPS but might not be the most fun style to play the game.

A great person once said: "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game."

And this is also true for Ravenous Horde. So I've opted to not show the data, in an effort to combat this, you should play with whatever setup you'd like. And that's why the perks lean into various directions.

I also try to make sure each perk (but also weapon & special equipment) is relevant in some degree. All weapons should have a place in this game and none should be the go-to weapon in all cases. The same goes for perks, I try to balance them so that not one perk is either a must have or gets never chosen. If a perk is always picked, then it might be better to remove it or add its functionality into the game by default. Every perk should also have a place in this game.

[h2]Patch Info[/h2]
The rest of the patch notes and changes will be coming next week!

Thanks for all the support so far!
- Rinke

Game Update v0.0.7 (Gore Update)

Fellow Hunters!

A new playtest is coming this weekend, and with that an update to the game!

Patch notes for v0.0.7:

- Added the first iteration of the perk system! More on that below.
- Updated the Gore system with dismemberment. (also updated all gore effects)
- Added a countdown timer on the server browser menu if the playtest server is offline.

- AI zombies now only use limbs after the halfway point. (halfway point is either when there are more human controlled zombies than hunters or when the timer has passed half of the round time)
- AI zombies now don't stand still anymore when they get confused
- AI zombies now significantly use less resources

- Fixed a bug where zombies could spawn within view.
- Fixed some glitchy spots on maps.

[h2]The Perk System[/h2]
Starting this Friday I'll be away for a week, and I was in the middle of working on the perk system after having finished the gore update. However I didn't want to postpone this update as it does contain performance improvements and general gameplay improvements.

So just to let you all know, the perk system is currently very a work-in-progress. But you'll have access to 8 perks so far, 4 for the hunter and 4 for the zombie. All unlocking on various ranks.
They're functional but unbalanced and the artwork is very much placeholder for now.

There are 36 more perks on the to-do list though so with the next patch expect some solid options to pick from! (hint: some of them involve going all in on your sentry)

Thanks for all the support so far!
- Rinke


Game Update v0.0.6a

Got some bug reports that needed immediate fixing.

Patch notes for v0.0.6a:
- Fixed some glitch spots that prevented zombies from reaching you.
- Fixed a memory leak issue.

Thanks to everyone for reporting said bugs!
- Rinke


Game Update v0.0.6

Fellow Hunters!

A new playtest is coming this weekend, and with that an update to the game!

Patch notes for v0.0.6:

- Added a new special equipment type: The Sentry, which is available to be equipped from rank 10.

- Weapon unlock ranks are now paced better.
- Updated the default buttons for Puking and Explode as a zombie.
- Disabled the game trying to apply HDR settings when the monitor had HDR options.
- The default video resolution is now the same as the monitor the game is displayed on. (only applies if no settings file is present, so only for new players)
- The default video settings are now set to medium. (only applies if no settings file is present, so only for new players)
- AI Zombies can now divert to their attackers if they are closer than their target.
- The suicide button is now unbound by default. (Useful to bind it in case you get stuck)
- The end of round screen is now shortened in time. (60s -> 40s)
- The XP multiplier is changed (x4 -> x2) as more playtest time will be available.
- AI zombies now leave more room between them.
- Corpses are now impacted by forces.

- Fixed a bug where when dying as a zombie whilst having movement keys pressed would mess with your input when respawning.
- Fixed a bug where your mouse would become invisible and unresponsive in the deploy screen.
- Fixed an issue where the scoreboard would stay visible when the round would end whilst having it shown.
- Fixed several glitch spots that allowed you to be out of range for AI zombies.
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn't get awarded assist XP when the AI zombie would explode itself.

As mentioned in the previous post, the next playtest is once again from 7PM CEST till 10PM CEST on Saturday and Sunday. Some more players who opted in will be accepted on Saturday morning :)

Hope to see you all this weekend!
- Rinke


New Playtest Dates!

Fellow Hunters!

As mentioned in the last update, the previous playtest was a great success! And with many more players requesting invites (hundreds more!) it's time to improve how the playtests should run. Therefore every weekend will be a playtest.

Starting from next upcoming weekend 10/11th of August. On all Saturdays and Sundays between 7PM and 10PM CEST the playtest server will be online! I'm currently working on getting it all working automatically so I don't need to interfere every time.

This does mean that every weekend there may or may not be an updated build ready for everyone to test. Sometimes there are big features in the works that take more than a week, so I can't reliably deliver updates weekly. If there are any changes, a news update with patch notes will be dropped on Friday.

Also going forward I'll accept an undetermined amount of playtesters weekly in the weekends from all countries. I know originally I mentioned Europe only as the test server is located there, but if you don't mind playing with a higher ping then I'll leave that choice up to you.

That being said this weekend you'll be able to test out the new Sentry, which unlocks at rank 10!

Thank you for all your support!
