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Horde Hunters News

v. 0.9.5

Hello. Here I am, mostly fixing bugs again.

  • Arranged the power-ups page to list 10 power-ups at the time and show the currently listed under the scrollbar
  • Possible crash on startup due to new power-ups save system (bool argument is unset)
  • Old enemies did not get properly destroyed in mountain and volcano maps resulting in late-game lag
  • Chickens did not prioritize important enemy targets properly
  • Player could die with some health if "health on kill" weapon bonus triggered after death
  • Fire Cape and Cross fire effect did not animate

v. 0.9.4

Hello. This is a small patch to squash a couple of bugs

  • Damage numbers slightly reduced in size
  • Game crash when using Thief ability mode that has damage
  • Non-equipped (but purchased) power-ups were not saved to the loadout

v. 0.9.3

Hello. This patch fixes volcano map achievements and improves the recent change to power-up saves.

  • New setting (under power-ups): Save method - "Default", "All maps", "All characters & maps". Choose how power-ups are saved as you create your loadout. By default characters have a unique loadout for each map
  • Power-ups from another map will be loaded as default if a character has no prior saved power-ups
  • The default tab on power-ups will be set to "Equipped" if you have power-ups selected for the map
  • Volcano achievements did not activate on completion

v. 0.9.2

Hello. This update makes changes to the way power-ups are saved and is now all around more sane. Previously although character power-up selections were saved for each map the purchases were global. The system worked well until you sold a power-up and then it would be removed from all characters. This resulted in some annoying back and forth in the menus between the runs. Now you can buy, sell and refund all you like and the character loadouts will still be remembered. Sorry to say I had to reset the previous power-up saves in order to make this change.

  • Power-ups save system overhauled and current options reset

v. 0.9.1 - Hotfix

Hello. Just a small patch to fix a few things.

  • Weapon compare panel will not be shown for already owned weapon
  • Improved Volcano map mountain generation to have better walkpaths
  • Player won't be able to pick up loot when being thrown/pushed
  • Main boss will summon a devil roughly every 2min the fight goes on
  • Enemy pentagram spell hurt player when inside the mine
  • Some object shadows remained on screen for a while after being destroyed