1. Horde Hunters
  2. News
  3. v. 0.8.2

v. 0.8.2

Hello. This is mostly a maintenance update with one exception.

[h2]New synergies[/h2]

On the previous major update new synergies between weapons and items were randomized for each run. Now synergies have been added between all weapons as well bringing a lot more combinations into play.

[h2]RSF festival[/h2]

Horde Hunters is taking part in Raid Survivors festival that showcases Survivors-like Bullet Hell games. Be sure to check it out for some other cool games.

[h3]Full changelog[/h3]

  • New weapon to weapon synergies
  • "Incompatibility -50%" maxed out weapon bonus option added to all weapons that have a penalty
  • Consumables have a larger damage increase over time
  • Divinity AoE increased by 20%
  • Vortex will also pull in elites
  • Tomahawk no longer fires up but to closest enemy
  • Doubled the health of party member in protect mission
  • Bowling Ball and Shield will no longer fire additional projectiles to opposite directions
  • Fire Bomb will bypass shields
  • Gold Ores are on average a bit less durable
  • Tutorial barracks is named on map despite the FOW
  • Barracks will inform if party members have a synergy
  • Explained "forged", "poison" and "scare" properties if they appear in an item
  • Reduced some "noise" i.e. removed some redundant texts (still work to do here)
  • Improved the hit number visuals a bit
  • Added Bulgaria and Italy flags to leaderboard. Also fixed Turkey as the location data now comes up as Türkiye
  • Party member rarity type did not refresh if not picked up as a mission reward
  • Party member had some random stat issues
  • Some draw depth issues like party member healthbar going over player etc.
  • Some AoE synergies were not triggering
  • Tutorial party member and shop information got lost behind other elements
  • Unpause information was missing from the paused state before the run starts
  • Potential game crash when accessing leaderboard due to missing sprite