1. Horde Hunters
  2. News
  3. v. 0.8.4

v. 0.8.4

Hello. This is a special Halloween update with a new mission map - Graveyard. You'll need to have the Village map completed in order to play it. Some of the additions introduced in this new map have also been brought to other maps as standard gameplay elements.


New enemies and overall spooky theme awaits you in this zombie-infested graveyard mission map!

[h2]Disable ability[/h2]

I wanted to specially mention that you can now completely disable the character's special ability for an even greater weapon attack bonus. Together with auto-aiming this can allow you to play more casually (one handed) as you can concentrate on only moving around.

For other changes see details below.

[h3]Full changelog:[/h3]

  • New mission map: Graveyard (Halloween themed)
  • New enemy type: Shoot slime projectiles that also briefly slow you down
  • New consumable: Chocolate Bar - +50% primary weapon attack rate
  • New ability mode: Disable completely for +30% weapon damage
  • New rune rewards (2)
  • New local event: Gang Gathering (at Bandit Camp) - Up to 90% increased gold
  • New local event: Study Hour (at Library) - Up to 90% increased XP
  • Local events start happening a bit earlier in the game
  • Bandit Camp and Library radiuses are slightly bigger
  • Supplies can have animals if a farm doesn't exist on the map
  • Supplies can have fruit if the fruit source doesn't exist on the map
  • Training/Tutorial map is smaller and includes more tasks involving buildings
  • Black Hole no longer pulls in normal consumables - only gold and gems
  • Church Uncurse initial cost lowered from 30 to 15
  • Lowered the weapon upgrade costs for Epic weapons
  • Epic and Strong weapons have better synergies on average
  • Changed player damage sound
  • Some timers did not adhere to game speed setting