1. Horde Hunters
  2. News
  3. v. 0.8.8

v. 0.8.8

Hello. This update brings balance and bugfixes. It also brings 3 new power-ups and changes the normal map target times to 20 minutes which I feel is the sweet spot.

[h2]The road to 1.0[/h2]

A big chunk of last week was spent on creating a new trailer since the existing one was from around the time Early Access started. I went with a pretty straightforward but action-packed gameplay video which you can find below or on the store page.

Speaking of Early Access, I initially estimated that to last for anything between 3-12 months. It's been now roughly 22 months so I really need to start looking for the finish line. The game has come a long way in this time and I'm quite happy where it currently stands so I feel confident wrapping things up.

I'll mostly be fine-tuning things from now on except for a final bigger content update. I'd be willing to work on updates beyond the final release but it depends a lot on how well it does. Your support in spreading the word during this time is much welcomed and appreciated.

FYI the game is now on sale for -25% so it's a good time to grab it. I will no longer be updating the demo version and have removed it as a download option.

[h3]Full changelog:[/h3]

  • New power-up: Hail Mary - Upon death teleport to a random map location with 1 health and 10s invincibility
  • New power-up: Penny - Free rerolls to start with
  • New power-up: Piggy Bank: Extra gold for the first 5 levels
  • Normal map extended plays aka "super wins" removed. Normal maps are now 20min long instead of 15min
  • Level up rerolls and weapon upgrade rerolls have been merged into one global reroll amount and cost
  • All characters start with 15 gold
  • Dwarf's super smash has an additional +1s Stun and slightly better damage
  • Adjusted Bard's ability note amounts
  • Chickens will no longer attack targets off screen
  • Each fetch mission create found gives you 5 coins
  • Bank initial collect time lowered from 2min to 1.5min
  • Enemy curse amount on player will increase each time hit
  • Enemy projectiles don't hurt you when inside the mine anymore
  • Added sound effect for hitting an enemy with shield
  • Necromancer undead did not attack obstacles on most maps
  • If you go to mine with any invulnerability the effect stays on during the whole stay. Abilities now stop immediately after entering mine and consumable timers run while inside
  • Graveyard enemies could appear on other maps too
  • Gold Rush local event could happen to an unactive mine
  • Bard's additional stun damage for super ability wasn't working
  • Fetch mission rewards weren't doubled on all areas