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  3. ODINFALL Early Access Update!

ODINFALL Early Access Update!

Greetings Vikings!

As we get closer to Early Access, we wanted to let you know that we’ve done a bit of housekeeping and updated our Steam Early Access FAQ, which you can find on Odinfall’s Steam page. It tells you everything you need to know about how Odinfall will spend its time in Early Access and what to expect from this 3 month period.

We want to reassure you that none of this means anything will be changing in terms of content, and that the version that launches into Early Access will be content complete, with just some polishing and balancing to stabilize.

Ultimately you, the community, will be the most important driving force in making Odinfall the best it can be through Early Access feedback, especially in co-op mode. You may see a few bugs as we iron them out, so please do let us know what you find. We cannot wait to hear what you think!

Please check out the full FAQ on the Odinfall Steam page if you’d like more info.

And make sure to join the Discord!

Best regards,
The Odinfall Team