1. Section 13
  2. News
  3. Special Mission: Co-Op Preview Commences!

Special Mission: Co-Op Preview Commences!


We have a time-sensitive mission for you: to preview the returning co-op mode and report back how smooth the experience is!

[h3]Preview Schedule[/h3]
The mission starts now and ends in 36 hours. To share the time in our usual time zones:
  • PDT: March 11 10AM - March 12 10PM
  • EDT: March 11 1PM - March 13 1AM
  • CET: March 11 6PM - March 13 6AM
  • ICT: March 12 12AM - March 13 12PM
  • KST: March 12 2AM - March 13 2PM

[h3]Preview Branch Instructions[/h3]
You can access the co-op preview by using the following private beta code: section13beta

Here are instructions to unlock the co-op preview branch:
  1. Right-click Section 13 in your library and go to “Properties…”
  2. Go to the “Betas” tab, type the branch access code ("section13beta") under “Private Betas”, press the “Check Code” button, and then the "Opt into" button
  3. Make sure the "Beta Participation" menu's dropdown says "beta_test" branch
  4. Closing the window will prompt the preview client to download; if it doesn't automatically, trigger the update manually
  5. Once the download ends, check for the "beta_test" version and launch the game

[h3]Multiplayer Instructions[/h3]
* Please note that, in multiplayer, you will only have access to features you already unlocked in singleplayer. These include Body Mods, Weapon Mods, and characters.
  1. Go to the phone booth in the Command Center
  2. Create a room
  3. Wait for more Agents, or invite your friends using the Steam overlay (Shift + Tab)
  4. Gather at Section 13’s gate to trigger the mission preparation screen. If you are joining, ready up for the host to start the mission. If you’re the host, start the mission when everyone is ready.
  5. Enjoy!

[h3]Co-Op Mode Feedback[/h3]
Please share how smooth your co-op experience was in this survey! For all other feedback, please share via our Steam discussion boards and Discord.

See you down in Section 13!

- ODS Team

