Enotria: The Last Song - January Patch is LIVE

Patch Notes
[h2]Core Improvements[/h2]
- Improved core movement mechanics for the main character (MC).
- Enhanced guidance for Litumnia and Golden Path.
- Multiple changes added in-line with the January Patch roadmap
[h2]Loadouts and Inventory[/h2]
- Added charge lines in non-active loadouts.
- Introduced additional filters for inventory items.
- Added intro voiceover in Japanese, English, and Italian.
[h2]Guidance and Quests[/h2]
- Improved Litho’s guidance.
- Enhanced quest guidance.
[h2]Visual Effects (VFX)[/h2]
- Improved impact VFX.
- Polished lighting effects.
- Added new VFX for the Dodge action.
- Added multiple new VFX effects
- Improved VFX for Elemental Torches.
- Enhanced multiple old VFX effects
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
- Fixed the bug causing simultaneous deaths of bosses/minibosses and the main character, which previously resulted in players being stuck in arenas or boundaries.