2. News



Look at the time! It’s HUGE DEMO UPDATE TIME! We found ourselves a publisher – CRITICAL REFLEX. And with their help brought you a lot of new stuff! (and also fixed some of the old stuff)

New gameplay features, UI overhaul, new Gimmick types, bugfixes, localizations — all this can be yours if you launch the demo and play right now!

[h2] Localizations [/h2]
With the help of our publisher the game was fully translated to Japanese and Simplified Chinese! Woooooooooo!~

We’ll add many, MANY more languages in the future, don’t you think we’re gonna stop muahahahahaha

[h2]New cool stuff![/h2]
  • New movement options: press jump twice quickly and you’ll DIVE, it lets you get away from danger quickly! If you hold RMB (or RB) you don’t pick up your dice, but you can STOMP on it to activate!

  • Character exclusive mechanics: Merci now buffs his INT by collecting Retsu during the wave! And Zo’s demon heart charges by damaging enemies buffing her STR! More fighting - more powerful fighting. SIMPLE
  • MikoPedia: it keeps track of defeated enemies and gives you info about them. MAKES YOU SMARTER. It also features cute boss stickers drawn by our community (we love you)

  • Gimmick editions: some gimmicks come with modifiers! Negative gimmicks are free, but may unexpectedly disappear. Glitched gimmicks have a chance to cast twice!

  • Pest nest: There is a cast of WEIRDOS and FREAKS! But they offer upgrades, trades and challenges!
  • ”Once more”: Now sometimes you’ll have to beat TWO waves back to back for rewards.
  • Gameplay variation: new weather events, arena variations, new “stringed” dice quirk
  • Crash-test zone: test your builds from the editing screen before waves!

  • Made a new cool animated intro and an even cooler title screen
  • Edited character animations to be more expressive and detailed
  • Rewrote some dialogues to be more funny and fitting, updated some voicelines to be more consistent.
  • Added subtitles and new character-specific portraits to Jabberwock Solitaire.
  • Added damage numbers so you can see how strong you are
  • A LOT of subtle graphical improvements: UI, backgrounds, lighting and much more!
  • Bug fixes, bug extermination, bug slaughter even.

There’s A LOT of new things. We might’ve even forgotten something, that’s how big this update is. AND ALL THIS IS AVAILABLE NOW GO PLAY IT


You can also join CRITICAL REFLEX discord to discuss new cool stuff! JOIN NOW AND FEEL GOOD

That’s it for today. Go play the demo and tell us what you think!
[h3]SEE YA![/h3]