Stick It To The Stickman 0.24F - Dragon Strikes!
Hi Stickpeople!
We have made a beefy update to the Stick It To The Stickman Steam Demo build! We keep improving things in the main game, and it was overdue that the demo caught up to the level of polish we're working on behind the scenes.
There are no new classes, but there are a lot of new moves and passive abilities. Now all the classes have something unique to offer, and some of the new moves are especially epic/explosive.
Also, a lot of annoying bugs have been fixed, and a few rough edges in the story have been smoothed over.

The patch notes:
We hope you enjoy the free update! But if you hate it (because your heart is in the wrong place), then just remember, no crying at work...
Because if you don't love this free update we're going to weep into our Christmas pud.
Do you want that on your conscience?
We have made a beefy update to the Stick It To The Stickman Steam Demo build! We keep improving things in the main game, and it was overdue that the demo caught up to the level of polish we're working on behind the scenes.
There are no new classes, but there are a lot of new moves and passive abilities. Now all the classes have something unique to offer, and some of the new moves are especially epic/explosive.
Also, a lot of annoying bugs have been fixed, and a few rough edges in the story have been smoothed over.

The patch notes:
- Jogger class has a new kick (with 3 levels, ending in "Dragon Kick").
- Task Dodger no longer has a "Gun", but instead starts with a "Paper Plane" which becomes "Banana" and then "Fire Extinguisher".
- The Slob specializes in dealing pain with their "Pinch" (also with 3 levels).
- And the Delegator gains the ability to cause "Shame" (3 levels of it).
- Farts can explode (after acquiring the right passive).
- Barfing is working again (it was broken).
- i.e. A Fart/Slob build is a viable strategy now.
- "Uppercut" has a new level 3 move. "Levitate" is now the level 3 version of "Choke".
- The "Thunderclap" has been improved.
- Generally speaking there are more ways to set a coworker on fire / fire a coworker.
- The meta-progression through the demo is a bit faster, and the tower (at max height) is a bit shorter.
- Coffee fueled attacks can cause electrical damage (with a passive).
- A couple new electricity based passives (best with Handyman)
- Electrocution shows bones/sticks (what are stick figures actually made out of?).
- Some new story moments (where previously the game felt flat), the job hunt scene at the beginning has a queue.
- Lots of tweaks to moves and general balance.
- The promotion boxes are now "briefcases". (Briefcases are the leather boxes that businesspeople carry).
- Enemies scream when falling out windows (just like real humans).
- Peeing is now audible.
- The hero now flushes the toilet after he pees (unlike many real humans).
- There was a bug with the collection range that is now fixed.
- Some polish on the levels (spa looks better, some floating props have been removed).
- More hotdogs in the cafeteria.
- "Personal Security" expansion now adds fewer enemies, but more more guns.
- The "Morgue" now always spawns after purchasing the morgue upgrade, and you can optionally steal money from the dead (if you are that way inclined).
- You can get a massage that makes you walk sort-of funny.
We hope you enjoy the free update! But if you hate it (because your heart is in the wrong place), then just remember, no crying at work...
Because if you don't love this free update we're going to weep into our Christmas pud.
Do you want that on your conscience?