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  3. ⚙️ Early Access Update 04 ⚙️
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⚙️ Early Access Update 04 ⚙️


Oi Speed Freeks,

We’ve been tinkering and dabbling under the hood. This is update is sure to spice things up and adds new things for you to try.

We've added a new racing objective to Deff Rally mode! Players can now earn points by fighting OR racing.

When a capture point is first reached, its checkpoint race will begin after a short delay. Players can earn 1 team point by touching each green checkpoint, and earn up to 50 points for 1st place when (if) they finish the race. But be careful, because along each racing route enemies will be waiting to krump you.

If you'd rather fight than race, press Q to toggle off all the racing information, and get to krumpin! You can either find a chokepoint to set up an ambush, or just sit on the capture point and let them come to you. Kills still earn 10 points each, and preventing the other team from racing effectively by disrupting/destroying them is a very potent strategy.

We decided to make changes to this mode to add more replayability and more ways of skill expression. Many players who tried Deff Rally for the first time asked us, ""Where's the Rally? This is all Deff!"". However, we did our best to keep combat a focus, in both the rules and route design. Controlling the area around the capture point is still important, because all races start and end there, and often pass through more than once.

So if you don't want to race, have fun playing goalie and ruining some poor git's racing line, or just shoot anything that moves.

But, if you do want to race, then START YER ENGINEZ!

Some exciting new ALTERNATE WEAPONS will be coming for the Boomdakka Snazzwagon, Kustom Boosta-Blasta, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy and Looted Wagon. These weapons will be enabled by default during this weekend, as well as some upcoming weekends (from Friday to Sunday). An explainer pop up will show when entering the Play Game menu if the alternate weapons are active.

  • Looted Wagon Lobba: The Lobba fires mortars with an arc. It has a faster fire rate and larger explosive radius, but takes kunnin' to use effectively. Try lobbing these bouncing mortars into a pack of enemies or a choke point
  • Boomdakka Snazzwagon's Mek Speshul Burst: This modified Mek Speshul fires a burst of dakka instead of a steady stream. It's better option than the regular Mek Speshul for mid-range combat
  • Kustom Boosta Blasta's Kustom Rivet Kannon: This modded Rivet Kannon shoots hotter, higher damage rivets that do proximity damage. The fire rate is slower, but it really packs a punch if you can lead your target
  • Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy's Bigga Grub Squig: This larger grub squig heals more per shot, multiple teammates can be affected by the splash, and it has a longer potential range

In a future update these ALTERNATE WEAPONS will become permanent items you'll be able to swap with the current weapons, with corresponding progression to unlock them. Balance work may still need to be done with these alternate weapons, so we're grateful for any feedback.

[h3]Additional Changes[/h3]
  • Removed recoil from throwing the Burna Bottle when driving the Boomdakka Snazzwagon
  • Fixed a bug where the Megatrakk Scrapjet crosshair would disappear
  • Fixed some vehicle tire scale issues
  • Fixed some vehicle accessories not keeping their colour assignments
  • Some weapons now deal damage based on distance. Smaller hit-markers mean you're dealing less than full damage and you should get closer. Our intent is to limit the extreme range of some weapons, and make the effective threat range more clear. More information is below:

Damage falloff notation: [100, 1.0] describes the X, Y coordinates on a graph. X is the range in meters. Y is the damage multiplier, from x1.0 to x0.0. So [100, 1.0] > [125, 0.5] means that the damage at 100m is x1.0, and at 125 meters it's x0.5. The multiplier before and after the stated points is equal to the closest point. So everything before 100m is x1.0 and everything after 125m is x0.5. Some weapons deal more damage in close range, most deal more damage at long range.

Looted Wagon
The Looted Wagon recieved a buff to its dakka, and a loss of close range damage from its primary weapon. It also lost projectile speed, making long range shots require more skill to hit consistently.
  • Dakkaguns spread decreased to 2 (from 5), damage falloff set to [125, 1] > [150, 0.5], max range set to 150
  • Kannon damage falloff set to [50, 0.75] > [150, 1.0], projectile speed reduced to 400 (from 700)
  • Grot Rigging now restores 40 health (from 50). Also resolves an error that made LW's Grot Rigging restore 58 health
Kustom Boosta Blasta
The KBB recieved a small nerf to its effective range (weapon accuracy was already doing most of the work here), and throwing Stikkbombs at point blank is slightly less effective due to reverse damage falloff.
  • Rivet Kannon damage reduced to 8.5 (from 9.15), max distance reduced to 200 (from 250), damage falloff set to [100, 1.0] > [125, 0.5]
  • Stikkbomb damage falloff set to [10, 0.25] > [25, 1]
Shokkjump Dragsta
The SJD loses some max range on its Shokk Rifle, and recieved a small buff to its missiles to compensate.
  • Shokk rifle damage falloff set to [125, 1.0] > [175, 0.33], aim assist returns to address hit reg issues
  • Homing missiles damage increased to 8 (from 6), removes target requirement to fire, removes targeting reticule
Grot Mega Tank
The GMT had too much health!
  • Health reduced to 240 (from 250)
  • Grot Rigging now restores 40 health (from 50).
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
The Squigbuggy now has more incentive to lay mines as traps rather than using them in point blank due to reverse damage falloff.
  • Squig Mine damage falloff set to [0, 0.5] > [7.5, 1]
  • Bot accuracy reduced because some of those boom squig shots were insane
Deffkilla Wartrike
The Wartrike didn't change much, as it's effective range was already limited by weapon accuracy. This change helps communicate that range to players.
  • Boomstikks damage falloff set to [65, 1.0] > [85, 0.5], max range reduced to 100 from 300

  • Added explainer popups for both Kill Konvoy and Deff Rally game modes when clicking them
  • Added onboarding tips for new players. If you're not a new player please just skip through them.
  • Tips now display on the matchmaking screen while queuing for a match
  • Party size now increased to a maximum of 8 players
  • Party splitting now implemented. Party splitting can be enabled by the host for parties of 4 or less, and is automatically enabled for parties of 5 or more. Note that upon joining an ongoing match, a party with splitting disabled will be automatically split if necessary, but then put on the same team for the next map.
  • Teams are now better balanced based on skill rating, and balancing when players join has been improved
  • Leaderboards now showing proper stats accrued since last patch
  • Fix for completing achievements if they haven't been already, despite the requirements being met
  • Improvements to WAAAGH Path player data handling
  • Made the Deff Rally capture point totem collision more smooth to avoid getting caught on it
  • Added more structures and details to the end section of Kill Konvoy - Erupta
  • Updated the lighting and atmosphere for Erupta
  • Added boost pads to Deff Rally maps. These glowing orange spots will refill 2/3s of your boost bar when driven over. The visual look of these boost pads will improve for next update
  • Hopefully fixed a type of Fatal Error D3D crash associated with the GPU
  • Bots now use dash more for movement
  • Fixed issue with the hover state UI of a selected vehicle would be duplicated for multiple vehicles
  • Fix for a bug in the store where items were incorrectly showing as owned
  • Fix for notifications showing in the wrong main menu tab

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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