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  3. Development Update – Enemy Faction Spotlight: The Vultures

Development Update – Enemy Faction Spotlight: The Vultures

Dave from Runner Duck here - I wanted to make some quick posts to share some details about the enemy factions you’ll face on the road in Badlands Crew. This time, ‘The Vultures’.

Badlands Crew is set in a future after the world has suffered a perfect storm of global catastrophes, leaving civilisation, culture and technology almost completely wiped clean. Humanity's survivors are left fractured and in disarray. In the vacuum of order the very worst of humanity rose to seize positions of power, preying on the people’s fear. The most ruthless and twisted became the fearsome Warlords, who terrorise the Badlands from their fortified Outposts and Strongholds.

Eventually, almost every survivor ended up captive in one of the Warlords’ gulag-like Strongholds; forced to scavenge and serve.Those who readily gave in to their greed and hatred were promoted by the Warlords to be their road warriors, irredeemably devoted to chaos and war.

If you stray into the more mountainous regions of the Badlands, you’ll be met by The Vultures, a faction that patrols the slopes, looking for the weak and vulnerable to swoop on and pick clean.

A Vulture Patrol scours the moon-lit mountainside for easy pickings

The Vultures are commanded by Lord Griffon - a deeply greedy man who keeps tight control of food production in his Strongholds, gorging himself and leaving only scraps to be distributed among his many subjects.

Early Concept Art for the Vulture Faction’s Warlord, Symbol and crew characters

We wanted to give each faction a distinct flavour, so decided to limit the era of vehicle they use to a single decade. In the case of The Vultures, they favour cars and trucks from the 1950s.

A selection of Vulture Vehicles, tooled up with Scrap Cannons and Blade Launchers

When it came to the Vulture’s armaments, we designed sets of blade launchers and scrap cannons. It seemed fitting that this faction would employ weapons that slash and tear.
L-R: A makeshift blade launcher constructed of a tin can and angle-grinder; A dual repeating scrap cannon, made from a pair of oil cans and a spring-loaded reloading mechanism; A Legendary multi-blade launcher, powered by a hefty electric motor.

I hope this brief glimpse begins to give a sense of the world we’ve been creating. I’ll continue to share more when I get a chance as we finish up the game!
