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  3. 🟣 Play with your community - Twitch Integration is here! 🟣

🟣 Play with your community - Twitch Integration is here! 🟣

Tavern Talk is getting cozier 💜

Dear Innkeepers,

With our newest feature to the game you can bring your community into the Wayfarer's Inn! - Introducing Twitch Integration. We love how creative and wholesome content creators all over the world are! Seeing them and their community gave us the idea - let's have the chat decide what comes next.

The Twitch integration is only supported on Mac and Windows, not on Steam Deck. Since it is the first time we've implemented a feature like this we all hope you'll be patient with the process, if something doesn't work right away or needs to be changed.

But how does it work? We have a step-by-step instruction for you, but also if you need a more visual guide, here you go:


[h2]How to use the Twitch Integration[/h2]

  1. Go into your in-game settings.

  2. The tab on the far right shows a Twitch-Icon open it & click Authenticate. This will open a webpage, first asking you to enter a device code. This code should already be set.

  3. After that you should be redirected to a page where you authorize the application to use your account to read the Twitch chat.

  4. Back in the game settings you should be authenticated and the user and channel name should be filled.

  5. User and channel names should be right in most cases, but if not you can edit them. In most cases both user name and channel name should be the same.

  6. The last thing is to connect with Twitch chat by pressing the connect button. This last step needs to be repeated everytime you launch Tavern Talk!

Now your community can vote whenever you have to make a decision or a quest drink. You just have to press the play button and each viewer gets one vote on the option.

[h3]What viewers can do:[/h3]

  • Vote on specific dialog answers by writing 1, 2 or 3 in the chat 🗨️
  • Vote on quest drinks by writing 1 or 2 in the chat 🍸
  • Pet Andu via the command !pet andu 🥰

And that's all of it! We can't wait to see more streams and the funny situations that are coming with it!

We also have some bug fixes for you!

[h2]Bug fixes[/h2]

  • Quest creation breaks when switching between mouse & controller
  • Visual and Audio fixes
  • You can access the Sticker Kickstarter out of the load game screen with a controller
  • Drink Mixing Infusion Outlines stay in place when playing with a controller

What is coming next

Our Story DLC: Tempest Tantrum is coming closer and closer! Mark the date in your calender - November 12th!

But that's not all! Currently, we have our Sticker Collection Kickstarter running and we already made 500% over the goal! 💯If you want to grab some high-quality stickers and the first Tavern Talk Merch, then this is your chance!

[h3]Click here to check it out![/h3]

More news to share soon!
