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  2. News
  3. October 10 update

October 10 update

This week we've prepared for you a substantial update addressing several community feedback points. Some of the highlights include changes to red flag rules, better AI tyre strategy, and mod support for customizing the point-scoring system and season monetary rewards. We hope you enjoy it!

[h3]Changelog v241009[/h3]

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed driver’s stress bar filling up during pit stops
  • Drivers can no longer get punctures in the pitlane
  • Fixed “Lord of the pits” achievement not being unlockable. The progression of the pitstop-time-based achievements is now 8s, 6s, 5s
  • Fixed “Home Sweet Home” achievement not being unlockable
  • Fixed the “Patriotic” trait not working for some drivers
  • Fixed “Steady hands” crew chief trait not working as intended (being a variant of “Risk taker” instead of its opposite)
Gameplay Improvements
  • Red flag change: all drivers keep running until the leader has stopped on the start/finish line. This avoids some drivers getting penalized if they were following a car but that car had crossed the start/finish line when the red flag came out
  • Red flag is now 8 mins to allow all the cars to complete the required laps while lining up behind the leader on the start/finish line.
AI Improvements
  • Improved AI decisions (improved reaction times) on sudden track changes under rainy and torrential weather conditions
Modding Improvements
  • Fixed Mod selection screen not automatically refreshing after downloading to a mod
  • File loading for mods is now case-insensitive
  • Point-scoring system and end of season monetary rewards can now be modded
UI/UX Improvements
  • Added track background images in the career calendar and in the quick race track selection.
  • Reordered end of weekend notifications: player drivers replacement, then AI drivers replacement, then sponsor challenge notification.
  • Fixed long driver names not fitting in garage screen
  • Visually improved the shadows behind some panels
  • Introduced the feedback bar for Mac builds
Localization Improvements
  • Small localization fixes for French, English, Italian