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  3. December 5 update

December 5 update

šŸ“¢ This week we're continuing with the changes to the overtake functionality. In addition to more improvements during the Qualifying, this update will reduce the likelihood of extremely slow "trains" forming during the Race while still keeping overtakes challenging.

šŸ™ Thanks to the bug reports you sent us, we were also able to resolve some issues with the new Tune and Send Out functionality in the Qualifying. As a result, the feature is now part of the main game.

[h3]v241205_f985c799d Changelog[/h3]

Gameplay Improvements
  • if drivers get stuck in traffic during Qualifying, they now ask the player to time next pit exit better
  • separated Tune and Send Out actions in Qualifying, so it's easier to avoid getting stuck in traffic (to get Clean Air)
Localization Improvements
  • fixed issues with French localization displaying other languages in some parts of the UI
Bug Fixes
  • fixed various issues with overtakes in Qualifying and Race (cars should get stuck together less often)
  • fixed issues where in certain cases the standings panel would display incorrect flying lap times