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Lost Paws News

Lost Paws Spring Sale 2025 and New Update!

Hello Everyone!

We are happy to announce that Lost Paws will be on sale by 40% off during the Steam Spring Sale! Now is still the best time to get into dog survival with the recent trading and crafting update. Pick it up for yourself or a friend here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2027590/Lost_Paws/

[h2]Lost Paws v0.8.7[/h2]

We are also happy to announce that v0.8.7 is now available for Lost Paws! It includes various improvements and bug fixes. Some of the most important changes include a major upgrade to Localized UIs for all non-English languages, a reduction of costs for Tier 2 items for the Cat Trader by 500 Kibble, and an enhanced look for the buy panel for RPG skills. Combined with a series of bug fixes, we have the best version of Lost Paws yet! Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy both the update and the sale!

Lost Paws v0.8.7 Patch Notes

Here are some of the fixes and changes made for v0.8.7:

  • Localization fix for Get Skill UI. MP needed overlapped with prompt text. Moved and boxed.
  • Localization updates for multiple languages for font sizes to fit e.g. Universal Menu button text, Help page text
  • Fixed Groger having HP values gains not applying correctly due to armor value bug
  • Made Cat Trader Prices Timer reset to full with no negative consequences when activating a shipment panel
  • Implemented additional security code for save load on Wearables inventory slot positions
  • Fixed a bug involving cases where the UFO would not correctly spawn in drop loot items on specifically second attempt
  • Fixed getting sent back to Dog Thieves Van on down under some conditions by Shadow Cabal
  • Fixed bullet counter from BD-Gun Wearable being stretched incorrectly on widescreen monitors in game
  • Added 3 more location-based Points of Interest in Gov District
  • Added 1 item-based Point of Interest at the Green Baggy Quest [Construction Worker] to emphasize location
  • Lowered the cost of Tier 2 Wearables by 500 Kibble
  • Replaced empty soda cans in trailer park on top of benches
  • Fixed a flickering wall crack in North Alley Gov District
  • Added a new visual plated box for Milestone Buy Panel

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the update!

Lost Paws Trading and Crafting Live-Stream!

Hi everyone!

We will be streaming Lost Paws in all of it's updated goodness for a few hours around 6 pm EDT (UTC-5) this Friday. Expect a showcasing of trading, crafting, and the new district. We will have one of the devs in the chat during the live portion so feel free to bring your questions along and we will do our best to answer!

Quick reminder the game is also 40% off right now until the 10th.
Now is the absolute best time to pick up the game and experience of hours of dog survival.

Thanks for reading and cya then! 🐕

Part 2 of the Trading and Crafting Update is now out!

Hello everyone!

The moment has finally arrived! Part 2 of the Trading and Crafting update is now out on Steam! With this update, the core trading and crafting expansion to the game is finally completed. This means hours upon hours of gameplay and a ton of options on how to tackle the newest threats thrown at your dog. We are also happy to announce that the game now has support for Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. To commemorate this massive update the game will be 40% from now until next week. This is absolutely the most exciting time to dive into this dog-powered world. As for the update itself, lets get into it!

The Trading and Crafting Loop

The focus of part 2 of this update specifically was to enhance the crafting and trading loop even more. The biggest addition to the game in this update was a special event that can happen after 30ish minutes within the Government District. This special event, which is a UFO arriving to drop some useful items in various locations, was added to give a little oomph to the trading loop. While the grind was already flowing and had multiple answers to acquiring kibble and manipulating prices, adding in some random elements to give you even more options to explore every once in a while felt like a beneficial addition. Now hunting for more Kibble has a dynamic element to it giving even more reason to know your way around the district.

Huh what is that?

In addition, we made some critical balance changes. The most important one is adjustments to the items of tier one of the Cat Trader. The equipable item prices are now 50% off from the first version to help get you into fighting the Shadow Cabal even sooner. Combined with changes to the sector spawner store timers and more useful items around the northern alleyways we are excited to see what all of you think!

You can see all of the changes made in detail here:
  • Added Special Event feature in Government District.
  • Added in more items of value and Catnip to the shipment panel location
  • Reduced costs of tier one items by 50%
  • Increased length of Store sector spawners in Government District
  • Added localization for 7 languages
  • Fixed Government District Construction sign colliders
  • Add open sound to main Apartment doors
  • Fix to prevent dog in truck dying if close to another car
  • Added the Dog Thieves' van to the city cutscene
  • Improved Doberman dog's animations slightly
  • Improved spawning vehicles algorithm
  • Added points of interest to the Government District
  • Improved optimized spawning for crowds and vehicles
  • Added Mr. Big Hat to Doggo City
  • Added some safety code if the dog gets stuck on things
  • Improved car flow traffic and spawn rate in Government District

Combined with all the changes made in Part 1 of this update (which you can read here), the game now has massively changed. We went from a doggo adventure to a full blown open world survival crafting experience, and we could not be happier with the transformation. A new district, new enemies, a new place to stay, a UI overhaul, new animal friends, trading, crafting, additional story, and so so much more makes this the biggest change to the game ever!

Fire Pepper being used on hapless crowds Trading with the Cat Trader Enjoying the Apartment Fighting the Shadow Cabal

Thanks so much for reading! Without your feedback, interest, and support, we could have never made it this far. We plan on doing even more down the road but this now completes some big elements we were hoping to add from long ago.

Now is the best time ever to get into the game not only because of these major enhancements but also getting the chance to give input into refining the game further as it gets closer to full release. We hope you join us on that journey. Please enjoy the 40% weeklong sale for Lost Paws and see you all in the next one!

The Lost Paws Trading and Crafting Update is now out!

Hello everyone!

Today is the big day! The Lost Paws Trading and Crafting update is now out adding many hours of gameplay. Crafting, trading, the apartment, a whole new city district, and brand new enemies await you in the game. It was many months in the making but thanks to your support and feedback, we finally have it out. A more detailed story will be out in a few weeks along with a couple surprises but we couldn't wait to get you more of what the beta had to offer out now!

The Government District

A whole new district is now in the game! You will now be able to explore the biggest area yet in Lost Paws with the most surprises. Explore the park, stores, and alleyways to find the best loot!


Trade with our new Cat Trader! He has wares if you have kibble but watch out for those big prices. Haggle to bring them down or find other "means" to make things more affordable.

Shadow Cabal

The big enemies of dogs all over is revealed! The Shadow Cabal is up to no good and you have to stop them. They are equipped with the best anti-dog tech around so watch out!

The Apartment

Get new digs for you dog! A new buyable apartment is now up for sale in the game. Deck out your own place out by unlocking tons of upgrades.


Need a new buff? A new crafting system is in the game allowing you to get the best bonuses. Work with Shibu to craft buffs to make your dog as strong as possible.

New Weapons and Armor

Get a whole new host of weapons and armor for your dog! From Viking helmets to fire peppers you now have a whole new arsenal to take on anyone who dares to threaten your dog.

The Emoji System

Many NPCs are now much more lively! A new reaction system is now in the game and causes the crowds around you to respond based on the actions that you take. Now is the best time to make friends or give them a good scare!

Story Updates

Discover the why all the dogs are disappearing in the city. Meet new allies and work your way to finding out how to change the city for the better.

Quality of Life Changes
  • Merged beta branch on Steam into the main branch of Lost Paws
  • Moved various buildings with interiors to the main city district
  • Additional optimizations for crowds and cars
  • and much more!

Bugs Fixes
  • Added safety code for when the dog gets stuck on an item
  • Fixed various mesh collider bugs in the world
  • Improved car placement in the Government District
  • Improved players ability to walk on stairs
  • Fixed dog jumping being sticky on various surfaces
  • Fixed various text being see through for walls
  • and several more!

Thanks again for all the support and feedback you have given to Lost Paws allowing us to make the best game we possibly can! We had many plans for this game from when it first came out and what to do became clear because of all the feedback we received. We have more surprises coming up fast so you can expect even more updates from us very soon. Stay tuned. Thanks again for reading and see you in the next one!