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  2. News
  3. Thank You for Playing the Lost Paws Beta!

Thank You for Playing the Lost Paws Beta!

Hello everyone!

The Lost Paws Beta has concluded! We are so happy to have gotten so much feedback from everyone and can't wait to check it all out. The playtest is now deactivated, but if you own the game you can still play the beta branch by going through these steps:
  1. Right-click Lost Paws in your Steam Library
  2. Click Properties and then Betas
  3. Enter the code lostpawsbeta1224 in the text field
  4. Select the beta from the dropdown

Please note that the survey giveaway has ended. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback! We will give out the keys within the next 24 hours. If you still want to have more dog-fueled adventures, you can pick up the game on Steam during the Winter Sale for 40% off by clicking on the banner below:

Thanks again to everybody who participated! You make this game amazing and have our dog feel like a million treats. Hope you all enjoy the sale and have a wonderful New Year!🐕