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Havendock News

About Multiplayer's Future

[h2]Hey everyone,[/h2]

With Havendock 1.0 coming, I want to share an update on multiplayer.

After some tough reflections, multiplayer will remain in experimental mode, and will not be released to the main branch in 1.0.

It’s been super cool to see so many people excited to play Havendock with friends, but ultimately I had to choose between creating new content versus stopping development for a long time to rewrite the game for multiplayer. Given the complexity involved, it is unfortunately not realistic to implement at this time.
That said, I don’t want to rule it out completely! The reason I added multiplayer was because I myself wanted to play my own game with my friends. I even brought someone on board to work on it, but it didn’t work out.

This left a difficult decision: Either I take over and stop making content altogether, or focus on what I do best. And I know whichever decision gets made, it will leave one group disappointed.

I know this may be disappointing, and I’m sorry for those who were looking forward to it. If I can find the right person, ideally someone experienced with multiplayer and familiar with Havendock’s systems, I’m happy to revisit it in future.

For now, my focus is on expanding the game in ways that are realistic and sustainable for a solo developer, so I can continue to make cool things for all of you. I truly appreciate your patience and for being part of this journey with me!



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Upcoming Price Increase

[h2]Hey, Settlers![/h2]

As we get closer to the Havendock 1.0 release, I wanted to give you all a heads-up—on March 21, 2025, I'll be increasing the game's price from $16.99 to $19.99.

This is the only price change I have planned, and before it happens, you’ll still have a chance to grab Havendock at the current price with a discount during the sale at the end of February, and for the very last time during the Steam Spring Sale.

[h3]Why the change?[/h3]
With 1.0 coming this spring, there’s a lot of new content on the way! I've already rolled out 3 major updates from the new roadmap, with 2 more to go before the full release. But the journey doesn’t end there. I have plans for even more content post-launch, including Wizard Island with an expanded magic system, and more! If you're curious, you can already check out the upcoming 1.0 content (and even a bit extra) in the experimental branch.

Since launching in Early Access, Havendock has grown so much, thanks to your feedback and support. This game wouldn’t be the same without this awesome community. Together, we’ve built:
🎣 Fishing Village
🪹 Bird Island Expansion
🐮 Cow Island
🚀 Underwater Expansion
🥮 Moon Island
🎃 Spooky Halloween Update
🕊️ Seagulls & Ranching Update
🏮 Lunar New Year Update
🐟 Clownfish Update
🦪 Oysters Update
🐦 Kewi Traits Update
💡 Countless QoL Improvements
…and more!

The past year has been tough for me, but being back on Havendock has felt like coming home. I’ve poured my heart into making 1.0 the best version of the game it can be, and your warm welcome after my break truly meant a lot. I hope you enjoy the final Early Access updates, and I’m excited to keep building Havendock with you all.

If you have any thoughts, ideas, or feedback, I’d love to hear them—drop by the Steam forums, Discord, or QQ and let’s chat.

See you in the dock! 🚢



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v0.75.1 Experimental - Hotfix

v0.75.1 changelog:
Fix astro island inaccessible by boat

Hi to all of you on experimental, I have just pushed out v0.75.1 on experimental - Astro island was inaccessible by boat by mistake and instead said the content was locked - I had missed this out when adding the island into the final version, and this has been fixed. (Previously you could only get there by Mother Kewi.)


v0.75.0 – Kewi Traits!

[h2]Hey, Settlers![/h2]

v0.75 is here, bringing new Kewi Traits, research expansions, and important fixes! Plus, for those testing the Experimental Branch, I've introduced Astronomy Island, a full housing revamp, and new upgrade tiers to explore. Let’s dive in!

[h3]🐦 New Features (Main branch) [/h3]

  • 14 new Kewi Traits – More personality and perks for your Kewis!
  • 2 new Kewi research – Unlock fresh advancements.
  • 2 new Parrot research – More ways to enhance your parrot companions!
  • Air Engine now requires more materials to build – An invitation to explore even more!

You can now teach your kewi birds new traits! There are 14 traits with various effects - you can improve an individual bird's speed, capacity or appearance. However, certain special traits unlock island-wide passive buffs.

New research for parrots and kewi have been added. You can now increase your parrots' speed and decrease their hunger loss. These research will make your avian friends more efficient!

[h3]🧪 Experimental Branch – A Sneak Peek at Future Content![/h3]
I've added major content and changes to the experimental branch, including a brand new island, Astronomy Island and new high-tech items!

Along with it comes a new NPC, and new storyline available by completing quests to unlock mission logs.

[h3]🏡 Housing Revamp:[/h3]
One of the most received comments I got when the game launched was why settlers sleep on rocks and not in houses.

I personally wanted houses to just be for population capacity and being able to see settlers sleeping was something I really wanted as I personally thought the idea of people sleeping on rocks was funky, but there were several players remarking that it did not make sense, so I am testing out a housing revamp on experimental.

(Some backstory: I actually really loved the rocks and the rocks themselves were a player's suggestion - an early beta tester, Noelle, suggested that settlers need a 'sleep' stat - and we ideated together that sleeping in houses was possible, but seeing them sleep on crude rocks seemed like a fun idea. So I prototyped a pose of a settler sleeping uncomfortably on a rock. We laughed at how ridiculous it was and out of fun, I added it into the game! Writing this made me nostalgic as I this was a moment from 2 years ago before the game even came to Steam.)

  • A new type of upgradable housing is introduced.
  • Old houses & Sleeping Rocks can no longer be built (existing ones remain in save files).
  • Sleeping Rocks research & objectives have been removed.
  • Since this is a big change on something core to Havendock, I'd like to hear your feedback! Let me know what you think about the new houses and the Housing Revamp as awhole, along with any other new features in the Experimental Branch.
Please let me know what you think of these changes!

[h3]⬆️ New Upgrade Tiers[/h3]
Lastly, on experimental, new upgrades have been added that will use the new items added to the game. I like the idea of having overpowered buildings in late game upgraded from rare items, and I hope this helps expand what your dock can do in late game. This just increases the upper cap.
New Building Upgrades – Enhancements for Birdhouses, Charcoal Kilns, Grills, Mills, and Refineries!

[h3]🧪 How to Access the Experimental Branch?[/h3]
1️⃣ Go to your Steam library and right-click on Havendock.
2️⃣ Choose Properties, and then, when the window opens, go to Betas.
3️⃣ Select “experimental - Windows experimental builds” from the dropdown list.
4️⃣ Let the game update and enjoy the experimental content.

[h3]💡 Your Feedback Shapes the Game![/h3]
I'm excited to hear what you think, especially about the new Kewi Traits in the main branch and the Housing Revamp in Experimental. Please share your thoughts!

🔧 Full v0.75.0 changelog:
Add 14 new Kewi Traits
Add 2 new Kewi research
Add 2 new Parrot research
Air Engine now requires more materials to build

Fix missing nanochips from underwater wreckage
Fix missing underwater wreckage investigation button

Experimental branch:
Add Astronomy Island
Add new storyline and quests on Astro Island
Add several new high-tech items
Add new Birdhouse upgrades
Add new Charcoal Kiln upgrades
Add new Grill upgrades
Add new Mill upgrade
Add secondary Refinery upgrade
Housing Revamp: House has been replaced with a new upgradable housing structure
Old Houses can no longer be built (existing savefiles with houses remain)
Sleeping Rocks can no longer be built (existing savefiles with rocks remain)
Sleeping rocks research replaced
Sleeping rocks objectives removed



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v0.74.3 - Multiplayer pier hotfix

When building certain decorations or buildings in multiplayer such as the Moon pit or Moon forge, the pier would be missing and unable to be built after a reload. This hotfix should fix it. (Credits to Zetazuni for providing the savefile on discord.)

  • Fix pier not loading in multiplayer after specific buildings built