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Sunwave Hotel News

October Sale is here!

Sunwave Hotel is on sale for the October Steam Sale. Now is one of the best times to dive in and check out what this exciting sci-fi adventure is all about. Explore tropical paradises. Meet various characters, including more than a few beautiful space babes who can become your alien waifus in your growing harem. Face off against cunning and deadly foes as you work to complete your original job and always stay one step ahead of the authorities.

Check out all this and more in Sunwave Hotel

Sunwave Hotel 14.15d At Journey's End

It is finally here. The end of the main quest storyline is now a part of the game.

IMPORTANT! This does not mean Sunwave Hotel is done. It is still going to be updated with game polish and fixes to earlier content. Even some bust art will probably be tweaked in the future.

I will not get into spoilers about the ending, but after many months of trying to lock it in, it feels great having it put together, and I hope people will enjoy it. I'll probably post my thoughts in a few weeks once people who want to play it have gone through it to review certain things and answer any questions people have.

The update is mostly focused on the main story. It's got the final two main quests for the storyline. It also has a bunch of Action Cutscene Art for the final part. Really love how those came out.

Lastly, this update will also give players the option to start on the Zatanka Impregnation Storyline. Her route for this Kink is kind of like a test ground for how it should be applied to the companions. If you're a fan of Pregnancy and have thoughts on how the content is setup so far, please let me know what you think.

Known Issues

I recommend making regular saves to avoid getting locked up in bad spots. If you do encounter a point where your game is just locked and you can't go forward, please report it here or in the Discord.
Do not travel back to Lowoswah from Island 2. This travel option is bugged and will be worked out this week.

Bug Fix and Content Update hopefully to come in late October early November.

Chill Day Labor Day

2024, where did you go? It's already Labor Day, holy cow!

If you're around me, hopefully, you're enjoying a day off. If not, I hope you have a fun Monday and things aren't too crazy.

August was a heavy work month and September is going to be much the same, with a major difference. As we enter September, I am happy to report that all the major parts of the ending for Sunwave Hotel have been written out.


The section below could be considered minor spoilers. I won't go into the stories and content, but I will talk about the theme of the content. So if you want stay clear, get out now and have a great week!
Okay, let's continue.

The only part remaining to write about is the vacations for companions.

I call them vacations and not endings because they're part of one of the endings that you can choose at the end of SH. These stories will give you some time to focus on your favorite companion (or companions) and make a big decision with them as well. The plan is for these decisions to play out in future content set in the Sunwave Hotel universe.

Anyhow, that's about all I have today. Back to chilling (and a little writing. We're working on new dev build to test out the ending.


Sunwave Hotel v14.14 "Duty Calls"


Over 24k words were added for the update. This one was a whopper.

Approximately 49 new renders spread across the scenes.

3 new erotic scenes


Fixes for navigation. Still some work needs to be done for the face arts.

Story Events (If you want to avoid spoilers, skip this and get playing. What are you doing here?)

Continue the Main Quest - Drell has a lead on Kuhno. It's finally time to take the fight to your enemy and bring back your friend.

Complete a new job for the fixer Gyoko. Pair up with the mercs Jade and Merrik on another dangerous job in the heart of Onakinii Island.

Intimate talk with Zatanka about your future together

New Erotic Scenes

Jade Merrik Foursome - After the mission is over, the fun can begin if you're up for it.

Beach Fun - Corsoni - Threesome on the beach with your favorite Wolfgirl.

Beach Fun - Perluun - You wouldn't expect the pop star to be so bold, but when Kuhno starts teasing her, Perluun may surprise you.


Over 24k words were added for the update. This one was a whopper.

Approximately 49 new renders spread across the scenes.

3 new erotic scenes


Fixes for navigation. Still some work needs to be done for the face arts.

Random Stuff

I will come back in a week to talk about certain events from this launch that were really interesting to experience. don't want to give away spoilers.

More Zatanka is just more Orc Girl to love

I'm deep into the work on the new game update for Sunwave Hotel. It's going to have a boatload of new content, some of which will focus on our lovely green lady here.

I'm very happy to show off Zatanka's outfit for Island 3. It won't be fully implemented in the next update, but it should come in the following update. It won't just be a new casual look. We will see Zatanka in 7 different looks, including a couple for if you decide to go down her 'Family' Path :p

I'm very happy with how the design came out. It still retains her gym clothes aesthetic. The shock baton on her back gives a new edginess, and as always, we kept her abs front and center, both in this final look and other designs.

Thanks to all current Early Access members for your patience with this new update. The end of the story is in sight, and I think there is always that impulse just to take a moment and redo this or edit that, but it is being built one step at a time, slowly but surely.

This next update will not contain the conclusion to the main story, but it definitely sets up the final act, and I hope you will all enjoy it. We'll also have another scene with the foxgirl Jade and the merc Merrik and some new fun on the beach with a couple of threesome scenes.

And that's all I got for you right now. I hope you have a good week. The next time I'll be around here, it will be with a special Game Update delivery.
