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  3. Sunwave Hotel 14.15d At Journey's End

Sunwave Hotel 14.15d At Journey's End

It is finally here. The end of the main quest storyline is now a part of the game.

IMPORTANT! This does not mean Sunwave Hotel is done. It is still going to be updated with game polish and fixes to earlier content. Even some bust art will probably be tweaked in the future.

I will not get into spoilers about the ending, but after many months of trying to lock it in, it feels great having it put together, and I hope people will enjoy it. I'll probably post my thoughts in a few weeks once people who want to play it have gone through it to review certain things and answer any questions people have.

The update is mostly focused on the main story. It's got the final two main quests for the storyline. It also has a bunch of Action Cutscene Art for the final part. Really love how those came out.

Lastly, this update will also give players the option to start on the Zatanka Impregnation Storyline. Her route for this Kink is kind of like a test ground for how it should be applied to the companions. If you're a fan of Pregnancy and have thoughts on how the content is setup so far, please let me know what you think.

Known Issues

I recommend making regular saves to avoid getting locked up in bad spots. If you do encounter a point where your game is just locked and you can't go forward, please report it here or in the Discord.
Do not travel back to Lowoswah from Island 2. This travel option is bugged and will be worked out this week.

Bug Fix and Content Update hopefully to come in late October early November.