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Judero News


- Bestiary book fix that didn't show one of the pages you collected
- End-game: if you load your last save the game starts you from near the fast travel

Judero review

Strangeness and eccentricity can often feel like an affectation, so I cherish it when a game is genuinely one-of-a-kind. Judero could have only been made by Talha Kaya and Jack King-Spooner, two independent developers who crafted a vision of the Scottish Borders entirely out of action figures and modeling clay, a game with the kind of rough edges and pleasant surprises that could only come from a genuine artistic vision...
Read more.


- Some optimizations for loading and performance (hopefully will fix some of the crashes people are experiencing)
- Steam Deck improvements for picking the right texture quality and video codec
- Remove some annoying fish near the Isle of Death
- Some out of bounds fixes for area 2


- Fix some collision problems in area2
- A fix for the coin challenge in area4
- Few text problems in credits and one of the interior scenes


- Fix a save file corruption issue for some players who have played an older version of the demo before.