[h3]Additional Features[/h3]
- EX League has been added. New tournaments can be selected by winning the Neo Asahikawa League.
- EX League tournaments will be added gradually in the future.
- EX League tournament "Decembers Moshpit" has been added.
- Punihi accessories have been added.
- Added "Buy All" button to the store (appears by winning the Neo Asahikawa League).
- When starting up the game, if there is something broken with the saved data, the game will now initialize the data after creating a backup of the old saved data.

- Fixed a issue where the mesh at the entrance and exit of the Neo Asahikawa stadium was lost.
- Walking animation speeds now correctly add/decrease when the Puninger Cloak is equipped and when shields are used.
- Fixed an issue in the garage where the free camera mode and loader test could be activated during key configuration.
- Fixed an issue where a boss in mission mode could die multiple times, resulting in a negative number of enemies remaining.
- Fixed a problem in which the boss "Cassidy the Cutter" in Mission Mode would not attack when in close range.
- Fixed an issue in the English version where "Back" on the parts store screen was not translated.
- Fixed an issue in the English version where the loader names of B and A class companions were out of sync.

Thank you for your support.