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Paper Kingdom News


Fixed stuck at green board at first launch.
Fixed recipe names not translating properly at settlement status menu.
Fixed a save file not getting auto created at first launch.

Everyone who never played the demo version thus not having an already existing save file at their disk experienced these issues. I'm sorry for this annoying experience, major overlook on my part.


Fixed UI not scaling to 1440p monitors in the right way.
Removed some dev functions left in the game files.

Known and working on:
If you choose to play in windowed mode, UI won't scale with the window size.

Early Access Release

Hello everyone, we are super excited to finally introduce Early Access version of Paper Kingdom to all of you. Your response to demo version has been great and with your feedback we implemented new features, cards, situations, quality of life improvements, brand new combat mechanics and further optimized the gameplay.

Demo version is also updated and your progress will carry over so we recommend trying the demo.

Here is everything changed since the Devlog #3

[h3]New Features[/h3]
- Combat mechanics (Read More)
- Invasions, each year hostile settlements nearby will try to raid you for your resources. This can be prevented if you are too strong to attack or too poor to grab their attention.
- Seasons, seasons change the board color as well as effecting the nature around us. For example Bear Approaches event won't fire during Fall and Winter.
- Cards such as Farmland and Port now have global requirements, a Farmland requires Winter card to be not on board, while Port requires Foreign Port on the board in order to progress.
- New cards are indicated by a red mark until they are hovered.
- Added a Diary Menu that displays the date of when you discovered a card.
- Achievements you got while playing the demo is now carried over.
- Added auto back up of save files just before loading one.
- Radio, mystery situations now play mystery music, sad situations play sad music etc.
- Settlement rank requirements also support building levels now.
- Situations and battle results prefer the cards that triggered them for the create/update/destroy process.
- Cards that are damaged indicate their health in red now.

[h2]New Cards[/h2]
- Diplomat, can be assigned to Govern a Colony.
- Explorer, can be used to craft an Exploration Ship.
- Witch, obtained by a situation only. Can be used to remove curses.
- Captain, can be used to craft a War Ship.
- Scholar (Will be expanded on later)
- General (Will be expanded on later)
- Spy, obtained by a situation only. (Will be expanded on later)
- Assassin, obtained by a situation only. (Will be expanded on later)

- Archer
- Swordsman
- Cavalry
- Artillery

- Bandit, enemies that intercept our trade.
- Pirate, enemies that intercept our trade.

- Ship, can be used to craft other ships.
- Trade Ship, can be used to trade at Port.
- Exploration Ship, can be used to explore Sea and Ocean.
- War Ship, a strong ship.
- Pirate Ship, enemies that intercept our trade.

- Farmland Flax, used to grow Flax.
- Farmland Wheat, previously just Farmland, changed to grow Wheat only.
- Shipyard, used to build ships and teach ways of the sea.
- Port, an harbor for Trade Ships.
- Foreign Port, required for Port to work.

- Ocean, discovered at Sea, door to the new world.
- Land, primed for colonizing.

- Bear, a strong creature.
- Dog, a pet.
- Wolf, not a pet.
- Warhorse, can be used to assign Soldier to Cavalry.

[h3]State (New Card Type!)[/h3]
- Colony, to extract resources.
- Pirate Haven, created if a Pirate Revolt is successful, home to Pirates.

[h3]Situations (New Card Type!)[/h3]
- Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, seasons.
- Tension, can be used to track hostile settlements chance to invade.
- Famine, created if we don't have enough Meal to feed our settlers during the Winter.
- Plague, created if Famine gets out of control.
- Thriving Community, created if we are running a large surplus of resources.
- Bad Omen, a curse Witch can remove.
- Golden Age of Piracy, created if Pirate Haven gets to level 10.

[h3]Weapon (New Card Type!)[/h3]
- Sword, used to assign Soldier to Swordsman.
- Bow, used to assign Soldier to Archer.
- Saddle, used to assign Horse to Warhorse.
- Cannon, used to assign Soldier to Artillery.

[h3]Other (New Card Type!)[/h3]
- Grave, created for Characters that fall during a battle.

[h2]New Situations[/h2]
- Season Arrives, fired by season cards, effect the world around us.
- Famine, fired if we can't feed our settlers during the Winter.
- Plague, fired by Famine, kills one character periodically.

- Thriving Community, which creates the Thriving Community card.
- Comet Sighted, which creates the Bad Omen card.
- Fire at Pasture, fired by Bad Omen, decreases the Pasture level by one.
- Flood at Farmlands, fired by Bad Omen, decreases the Farmland level by one.
- Meals Go Bad, fired by Bad Omen, destroys our Meal stock.
- Stranger Joins Court, fired by Thriving Community, creates Assassin, Spy or Witch.

- Sufficient Reason to Remain Ashore, fired by having an Explorer for the first time.
- Lost at Sea, fired while exploring the Sea or Ocean.
- Ocean Discovered, fired while exploring the Sea.
- Land Discovered, fired while exploring the Ocean.
- Native Raid, fired by Colony.
- Pirate Revolt, fired by Colony.
- Pirate Ambush, fired by Pirate Haven.
- Golden Age of Piracy, fired by Level 10 Pirate Haven.
- Bandit Raid, fired by Marketplace.

- Rival Invasion, fired each year if our resources are attracting enough and our fire power is low.

- You can SHIFT + Right Click to get required Resources on a building. (this is what Manager card does)
- You can SHIFT + Right Click to collect same Resources on a Resource.
- Changed most hover menus to be more eye friendly and easily readable.
- Finishing a job can't fire more than 1 situation now.
- Lowered monthly cue sounds (settler fed/paid sounds)
- Characters now leave after 32 days instead of 60.
- Leave speed is set to match simulation speed.
- Removed Speed 4 which was added with Devlog #3.
- Forest Get Wood job now gets 2 Wood instead of 3.
- Quarry Get Rock job now gets 2 Rock instead of 3.

- Added new tip Populate.
- Added new tip Settle Down.

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
- Fixed simulation skipping some ticks at lower FPS.
- Fixed cards not leaving the settlement when save file is reloaded.

- Added achievements for each level of settlement rank progression.
- Added achievement Best Friends Forever, which fires when you get a Dog.
- Added achievement Capital Dilemma, which fires when you get a Coin.
- Added achievement Sufficient Reason to Remain Ashore, which fires when you get an Explorer.
- Added achievement The New World, which fires when discover a Land.
- Added achievement Thirteen Colonies, which fires once you have a level 13 Colony.

[h3]Future Plans?[/h3]
- Right now weapons assign professions, I would like to change this to equip/unequip so that we would have one Soldier that can equip different weapons. This way we can also have rare weapons with different stats. This would also enable a Tribesman to equip a Bow for example. Imagine a samurai card dual wielding two katanas :D
- Add raid/conquer mechanics, right now battles are about defending your settlement, I would like to add raids so that you can also use your army to exploit and plunder.
- Add King/Queen. We had this in earlier versions but it wasn't liked a lot. Maybe with detailed features a Royalty update would be nice.
- Exploration is only limited to colony card now. We could expand on this to explore foreign civilizations which could through diplomacy or force give us rarer cards.
- Magic, I like that the Paper Kingdom world is realistic and there isn't monsters or magical abilities. We can expand on Witch card to introduce low level "magic" such as poisons and healing potions to this world.

As always your feedback is the highest priority here. These are not promises but only my suggestions.

THANK YOU! It's been a great journey so far, let's continue building.

Battle Update

Combat mechanics changed a lot from what I originally planned to implement, thus the dev time it took to implement it. We believe this is a really good starting point for the combat mechanics and we will be improving on this in future iterations.

This update will be pushed to the demo version with the Early Access release.

Battles have width (1 to x) and type (naval or land) that are pre determined by the game events.
A battle with 3 width can only have 3 cards at one side, and a naval battle can only have naval units fighting in it. Later we plan on adding "height" to battles as well, so the ranged cards would be attacking from behind.

This is a Raid event. Raid events are further explained in Early Access announcement.

Every character, some animals (bear, dog, wolf) and transportation cards have combat stats. Later we will also add combat stats to buildings such as Walls.

Combat stats of Assassin, this card is only obtainable through game events.

[h3]Combat Stats[/h3]
Attack: How much damage a card deals at a successful hit.
Health: How much damage a card can take before dying. Damaged cards can be healed at Hut, Cottage, House or Barracks.

Accuracy: Chance of a successful hit. Simulated before the defender's evasion and block chance.
Evasion: Chance of dodging a successful hit. Simulated right after accuracy.
Block: Chance of blocking a successful hit. Simulated right after evasion.

Counter Attack: Chance of hitting the attacker while defending. You can only counter attack after you successfully evaded or blocked the incoming hit. Ranged cards such as Archer and Artillery can NOT counter attack. Naval units are exception to this rule, all naval units are ranged and can counter attack.
Critical Hit Chance: Chance of a critical (2 times the damage) hit. Simulated after evasion and block.
Break Shield Chance: Chance of destroying the block stats of defender card with a successful hit. Cards with broken shields can't block during the ongoing battle anymore.

Attack Rate: Cooldown before this card can attack again.
Attack Speed: How long it takes for this card to attack and return back to it's battle position. For ranged cards such as Archer and Artillery it's the speed of their projectiles hitting the defender.

[h3]Combat Mechanics[/h3]
- Before fighting a battle you will need to add cards to it. SHIFT + Right Clicking on a battle will auto fill it with cards that are highest in attack power.
- When you are ready, you can hold Ready button to start the battle. You can also choose not to fight by readying a battle without adding any cards. Not fighting a battle will make your settlers angry and you will be considered the losing side.
- You can see the consequences of a battle by hovering over the i icon.
- Once a battle is ready, every card in it will get a random cooldown depending on their attack rate.
- Cards will prefer to fight enemy cards that are closest to them.

Devlog 3

Thank you everyone for your interest and valuable feedbacks during the Next Fest. I will be responding to every feedback once I have something solid to show for it.

With this devlog, we will be going over most requested features, gameplay changes and bug fixes. I will be writing about the battle update on a separate devlog.

These changes are NOT live in the demo version as of right now. Demo will be updated together with the battle update.

[h3]New features:[/h3]
- You can have multiple save files now.
- Character cards now indicate which job they are working on and whether or not they are idle in the infobar.

- Card push away logic is rewritten to always prefer older cards except if the newer card is locked. Push away power is also changed to order cards right next to it.
- Card texts now fade away as the camera zooms out so that it's easier on the eyes. This effect can be toggled through settings menu.
- Some buildings now have levels, job requirements scale with building levels (doubles for each level but subject to change) and in order to level up a building you need to complete jobs that grant experience. Jobs that grant experience are limited but they scale with the building level. Level 1 version of every job that scales is also available and they are unlimited. Even though I like the freedom of having 50 Farmers on 1 Farmland, this change aims to make it redundant because managing many cards become annoying super quick.

[h3]Gameplay changes:[/h3]
- You can see the requirements for recipes in the recipe menu now.
- Cards now return to their last valid position if they were released on top of a card they can't be attached to.
- Descriptions for types instead of tags now clearly indicate which tags of that type are valid options.

- Requirements now have "except" mechanics, only useful for Marketplace right now.
- Character cards now equip the tools they built, only if they can actually equip it, a Woodsman building Farmer Tools won't equip it.
- Days now have 24 ticks (it was 4 before), this change was made for simulating the battles better.
- Game speeds 2 and 3 are adjusted to match the game speeds before the tick change.
- Added 1 more speed option (turbo) and made speed 1 slower.
- Cards now also have coin values.
- Marketplace now requires 10xResource + Trader or 1xAnimal + Trader to trade.

- House no longer has a manager job, automation of Meal production is moved to new card Inn.
- Locked cards don't auto-destroy at 0 amount now. These cards can't be attached to any other card and will be auto-destroyed if they are no longer locked. If they were attached to a card before they got 0 amount however they will stay attached.
- Attached cards now get stacked if the parent card has any other of that tag. (If you attach 1xMeat to a Butchery that already has 4xMeat attached to it, Meat cards will stack together to 5xMeat)
- Changed resource requirements of most recipes.
- Changed limit of some jobs.

[h3]New Cards:[/h3]
- Weaver's Shop: Uses Flax to produce Cloth
- Cloth: Has no use except it's value yet
- Flax: Can be farmed in Farmlands, similar to Wheat

- Tannery: Uses Rawhide to produce Leather
- Rawhide: Obtained by butchering Cows

- Inn: Uses 1xWheat and 1xMeat to produce 3xMeal (subject to change), can be automated

- Toolbox: Stores Tools

- Stable: Grows Horses with Farmer, similar to Pasture
- Horse: Has no use except it's value yet

- Masonry: Uses Rocks to produce Bricks
- Brick: Can be used to build various recipes

[h3]Settings Changes:[/h3]
- Added new setting "Play Monthly Sound Effects", which toggles the settler fed, settler hungry etc. sound effects.
- Added new setting "Card Collisions", which toggles the card collisions :D
- Added new setting "Always Show Card Texts", which toggles the card infobar's opacity changes by camera zoom level.
- Added controls to the Settings Menu, these are not changeable as of right now.

[h3]Various changes:[/h3]
- Notifications now fade away after 30 seconds.
- Notifications only show one of each type of notification per tick now.
- Increased opacity for old notifications for visual clarity.
- Tips menu auto-disables if there are no tips now.
- Manager automation process now looks visually more appealing.
- Changed background grid sizes, they are now 2x their previous size.

[h3]Technical changes:[/h3]
- Settings file is now stored as a JSON, this will cause your audio levels to reset just this once.
- Changed the renderer to Forward+, this provides a performance boost but older PCs might have a problem running the game.

[h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3]
- Fixed settlement progress percentage showing too many decimals.
- Fixed settlement progress percentage going over 100% with multiple cards.
- Fixed a bug where "No recipes unlocked yet" text would still show even though there are unlocked recipes.
- Fixed card infobar showing under other elements in some cases.
- Fixed hover menu getting stuck under some rare cases.
- Fixed hover menu not triggering if you hover over a card with camera movement instead of moving the mouse.
- Fixed card infobar size not adjusting correctly in some cases.
- Fixed fill requirements using Shift+Right Click on Recipe cards causing a hover menu bug.
- Fixed Manager getting extra cards if the half of the requirements are already met.
- Fixed cards failing to auto-assign jobs if they get downgraded while attached to a card. (If you unassign Woodsman while attached to a Forest, it will now start working on getting sticks)
- Fixed game speed changes not taking effect instantly on lower end PCs.

We are also delaying the release date to 20th of September, I know it's a big delay but I just want to make sure the game is in a good condition and everyone gets their money's worth.