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  2. News

Paper Perjury News

Case 2 part 1 has been removed

The time has come to remove the first half of case 2. In doing so, it will only be the case 1 portion of the demo. However, the demo update will feature new UI, a new investigation log, and some new sound effects.

Thank you everyone for their feedback for case 2! Case 2 will return when the game launches.

Please note that any saves you have for case 2 will not work.

If there are any questions, comments, or feedback, the survey is still in the demo.

Demo Developer Commentary

This Sunday at 12:00 PST, join the Paper Perjury team on our official discord as we play through the PaPer demo live, providing commentary and answering questions as we go!

Link to the Discord: https://discord.gg/tjjrNReeMH

Case two part 1 has been added to the demo

This month, with Paper Perjury being a part of Tiny Teams and Steam Visual Novel Fest, the first half of case 2 has been added to the Demo. The case 2 demo will remain within the demo for the foreseeable future.

For those who haven't played case 1 yet, the case 2 demo is built off the story of case 1 and is highly recommended to play first. The main feature of case 2 is the investigation section and will end once the investigation ends.

Any feedback will be welcomed.

Demo update

The demo for Paper Perjury has been updated with the new "Question" mechanic. If anyone hasn't already played the demo, now is the perfect chance to start.

Previous saves might not work so please start a fresh play though.

There is a survey on the title screen to provide any feedback.

New change to Paper Prejury

Paper Trails is getting a name change.

For now on, it will be called Paper Perjury!

Please be patient as we change out the name on steam.