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Paper Perjury News

Version 1.05.1 patch updates

Hello everyone.

This patch has two changes.

The first was to fix a typo that first showed up in the previous patch.

Here is an issue that showed up in case 5 part 1

joy "Most of the office is working from home, and Mr. Eubank has put the cleaning crew on paid vacation until further notice."

joy "Most of the office is working from home, and Mr.{#X} Eubank has put the cleaning crew on paid vacation after Anton Chambers' until further notice."

The second was to add an extra optional room to explore.

In case 5 part 3, you can visit the viewing room and speak with Lowell for a bit. You can also get some extra banter with Justina and Sophie. The purpose to this is give a bit more context to Lowell before the final section of the game. No evidence can be gained here, so don't worry if you don't feel like talking to Lowell.

Thank you.

Paper Perjury Trading cards and other steam items have been released!

There are 12 different trading cards, 5 Profile Backgrounds, and 6 Emoticons for fans of Paper Perjury to collect! Trading Cards should be added depending on how long you have played Paper Perjury for.

If there are any issues, please let the team know. Thank you for supporting Paper Perjury!

Version 1.05 patch updates

Hello everyone.

This morning, in the steam discussions, there was a post in the "Bug and Typo Thread" with a large list of typos and similar script issues. I decided to go and address most of those issues in this patch. It's a pretty long list of very minor issues for cases 3-5. Click here if you want to read the list.

Like all updates, dialogue to evidence will be set in stone once it has been collected. If any of the evidence that has been collected has an update in this patch, it won't be changed on that save file. You would need to start a play though of that case for the update. If there are any issues as a result of this patch, please let anyone on the team know.

If you haven't finished the full game, please come back once you finish case 5. As for the changes, I will try and document them here as best I can.

Ferris "And she drove a hard bargain too. Wouldn't expect any less than a lifelong partner."
Ferris "And she drove a hard bargain too. Wouldn't accept anything less than a lifelong partner."

Sophie "But politics aside, there is something more important missing."
Sophie "But politics aside, something more important is missing."

Annie "In my office, practicing my magic tricks. The meeting started at 1:00 P.M."
Annie "In my office, practicing my magic tricks. The meeting started at 1:30 P.M."

Annie "...And viola! Your argument disappears!"
Annie "...And voila! Your argument disappears!"

Ernest "Years on the force makes you feel older."
Ernest "Years on the force make you feel older."

Annie "We finished up around 1:55 P.M., and that's when Bill headed out."
Annie "We finished up around 1:50 P.M., and that's when Bill headed out."

Store Contract evidence "A contact signed by Harris Eden Nubuck."
Store Contract evidence "A contract signed by Harris Eden Nubuck."

Hunt's Statement "the code name for B.I.G H.E.N is someone Anton plans to strong-arm."
Hunt's Statement "the code name B.I.G H.E.N is for someone Anton plans to strong-arm."

Anton's Gun (before update) "Currently empty."
Anton's Gun (before update) " The chamber is currently empty. Nothing else was found on it."
Updated version also includes "The chamber is currently empty"

Sophie "But my hearts still feels guilty. Like I'm tossing away your life."
Sophie "But my heart still feels guilty. Like I'm tossing away your life."

Ferris "(Their whole case has been built on the very idea he died in the alleyway after the meeting.)"
Ferris "(Their whole case has been built on the very idea he died in the alleyway right after the meeting.)"

Toy Mouse evidence "It was wet and had teeth marks."
Toy Mouse evidence "It was wet, had teeth marks, and there was orange and white fur nearby."
Joy also mentions the color fur in part 1.

Kaneki's Statement "She found some clumps of wool in the car before she started working on it."
Kaneki's Statement "She found some clumps of wool in the car trunk before she started working on it."

Lowell's Photo evidence "Lowell took this photo the night of the murder. Mr. Eubank had the gun in his right hand. Anton's body is out of frame. Taken at 8:05 P.M. that night.",
Lowell's Photo evidence "Lowell took this photo the night of the murder. Mr. Eubank had the gun near his right hand. Anton's body is out of frame. Taken at 8:05 P.M. that night.",

Joy "The night should be quiet until my shift ends at 8:00 P.M.!.",
Joy "The night should be quiet until my shift ends at 8:00 P.M.!",

Meg "Otherwise, the only unusual thing I found was some clumps of wool."
Meg "Otherwise, the only unusual thing I found was some clumps of wool in the car trunk."

Statement "Hana Over Yor's Statement",
Statement "Hana Ova Yor's Statement",

Justina when presenting Owen's car to Fie in her second statement in case 5 part 1
"(While it's possible she could have gotten there in Owen's car, this evidence doesn't directly counter her statement. I'll try something else and save this evidence for later.)"
"(While it's possible she could have gotten there in Owen's car, she isn't able to drive it herself. It would better prove who drove it, then save this evidence for later.)"
This is a complete rewrite to make it more clear why it doesn't work in this section.

Lowell "Look at the detective's cellphone. I'm sure my call was was time stamped there."
Lowell "Look at the detective's cellphone. I'm sure my call was time stamped there."

There are more, but this list is long enough and these are the major ones. As always, if there are any more typos or bugs that appear, please add a post in the "Bug and Typo Thread". Thank you.

Version 1.04.1 patch updates

Hello everyone.

This patch will mainly fix some awkward word choice in case 5. Please finish case 5 before checking the patch notes. To be safe, these notes will have spoilers.

Interrogation room

Ferris "Here's what will tell what happened next to the art and small trash can."
Ferris "Here's what will tell us what happened next to the art and small trash can."

Joy "I did, but I still had it on my phone."
Joy "I did, but I still have it on my phone."

Ferris "While they see that you had a rug, there is no proof of blood or any indication of murder."
Ferris "While they saw that you had a rug, there is no proof of blood or any indication of murder."

Justina "Here's proof Anton's car was must have been used Sunday night."
Justina "Here's proof Anton's car must have been used Sunday night."


Ash "You think I'd be used to it by now..."
Ash "You'd think I'd be used to it by now..."

Ash "I know you will. And don't forget to call! I can give you all the advice to help raise the little plant."
Ash "I know you will. And don't forget to video call! I can give you all the advice to help raise the little plant."

Annie profile "Landlady of motel the Klaus Orphanage uses."
Annie profile "Landlady of the motel the Klaus Orphanage uses."

Chandra "That was the right time and place kind of moment."
Chandra "Eubank Investments appeared at the right time to get that funding."
Complete rewrite to be easier to read.

Sophie "Mr. Eubank wants everything to seem in his favor. But we have evidence he doesn't know."
Sophie "Mr. Eubank wants everything to seem in his favor. But we have evidence he doesn't know about."

Lastly: Case 4 and 5 had a bug where if you loop to start of first statement during the interrogation, it would remove all your cross-off lines. This has been corrected.

If there are only more awkward wording, please report it so can address it.

Version 1.04 patch updates

Hello everyone.

First, the minor updates. All minor updates are for case 5.

-In case 5: a typo has been fixed. "There's some legal issues to settled since he signed the paperwork and everything." has been updated to "There's some legal issues to settle since he signed the paperwork and everything."

-In case 5: The evidence for Ballistics Report has been updated from "Both bullets fired from the murder weapon traveled in a straight line and were close to their respective entry points." to "Both bullets fired from the murder weapon entered the body perpendicularly and were close to their respective entry points." This update should make the evidence slightly more clear. If anyone has any issues with the word choice with this evidence or any other evidence, please let the Paper Cat Games team know.

-New dialogue was added to case 5 to address the evidence above being adjusted.

-At the end of case 5: A couple more lines of text have been added to Lowell to flesh out his motive.

-At one point in case 5, Sophie said "the forensics" instead of "the forensics team". This has been fixed.

-In case 5: If you present The President's Office Phone to Joy during the first investigation phase, Sophie explains why it's better to save that evidence.

Now, the major change. This is a story related issue some players have had. This will involve spoilers for case 4.

In the previous version of case 4: Fry Noil says he heard two gunshots. In the previous version, he misheard because he was scared of getting shot and mistook glass breaking for a gunshot. As the writer, my logic was that Fry was so scared he would have taken anything he loud as a gunshot. Some players didn't find this believable. So, I wanted to make it better without fully changing what happened.

Now, Fry will only claim to have heard one gunshot. When Justina presses him if he heard a second one, he goes from saying he doesn't know to agreeing with Justina because Justina leads him on. Fry's offical statement will no longer include that he heard a second gunshot.

I went with this change because Justina leading the question makes sense for her character in case 4. She wants to solve this case quickly and isn't considering what her actions are doing (because in her mind, the ends justifies the means). Case 4 was written to show Justina's bias and flaws. Ferris even comments that Justina was leading the witness. Justina was never written to be a paragon of good, and I hope this change, along with how case 4 was written, helps her character be more than just a self-insert protagonist.

As the lead writer, I want to make improvements to the story and address any issues. Some story elements I will defend and some I am open to feedback. As long as those issues are presented respectfully, I am willing to consider any feedback given to me.