Version 1.03 patch updates
Hello everyone.
The major thing I want to address in this patch is a certain element that has been brought up a number of times. At the end of case 4 (to be spoiler free), a character decides the fate of another character in a way many people believe is poorly written.
As the writer, there are times I have to defend my writing choices because I know I can’t please everyone. That’s just the nature of creating art. But there are times when I have to admit I could have done something better. This story element at the end of case 4 is one of those times. While I could go over why I made that choice, after a couple of weeks of feedback, I decided to make a change.
It was not as simple as changing from a yes to no. I added a lot more dialogue to the end of case 4 in hopes of making the scene more meaningful. While I know some people won't like every choice I made when addressing this issue, I hope it helps.
As the writer, I want Paper Perjury to be the best it can be. There are plenty of story choices I stand by, but I am open to all feedback. If it’s something I can fix, please let me know.
I know that the length of the main story is an issue some people have. We have plans to address this, but I won’t say any more for now.
Aside from that, patch 1.03 also makes sure the “skip” and “auto-forward” icons don’t pop in front of the notification text.