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Paper Perjury News

Cloud saves have been added to Paper Perjury!

Cloud saves have been added to Paper Perjury!

If there are any issues with it, leave a comment. This is Paper Cat Games' first game on steam, so we want to make sure the steam cloud system is done right.

Version 1.03 patch updates

Hello everyone.

The major thing I want to address in this patch is a certain element that has been brought up a number of times. At the end of case 4 (to be spoiler free), a character decides the fate of another character in a way many people believe is poorly written.

As the writer, there are times I have to defend my writing choices because I know I can’t please everyone. That’s just the nature of creating art. But there are times when I have to admit I could have done something better. This story element at the end of case 4 is one of those times. While I could go over why I made that choice, after a couple of weeks of feedback, I decided to make a change.

It was not as simple as changing from a yes to no. I added a lot more dialogue to the end of case 4 in hopes of making the scene more meaningful. While I know some people won't like every choice I made when addressing this issue, I hope it helps.

As the writer, I want Paper Perjury to be the best it can be. There are plenty of story choices I stand by, but I am open to all feedback. If it’s something I can fix, please let me know.

I know that the length of the main story is an issue some people have. We have plans to address this, but I won’t say any more for now.

Aside from that, patch 1.03 also makes sure the “skip” and “auto-forward” icons don’t pop in front of the notification text.

Version 1.02 patch updates

Time for another Paper Perjury update.

- The character Ash had a weird bug with his sad pose. This is now fixed.
- A similar bug with Hana was also fixed.
- In Case 5: Ferris Eubank's profile was never properly added once she shows up. This has been fixed. If you played far enough in case 5 that misses the trigger that was added in this patch, you have to play the rest of the case without her profile added. This has no gameplay impact.
- A few commas have been removed from case 1.

We plan to do another patch in the future to polish the grammar and remove all the typos we can. If any players find any typos (spelling, grammar, etc), please let the team so we can properly address it.

We also want to add Cloud support. Once we add it in, we will let you all know.

Version 1.01 patch updates

It's time for the very first Paper Perjury update! Going from 1.0 to 1.01.

-Keyboard controls have been updated: D to open dispute and Q to question. Works in interrogations and reviewing statements.
- Scrolling the evidence menu can be done with pagekeys
-Self-voicing now properly reads out the titles of the cases
-The Meow from Toasty the cat has been updated
-Justina’s Slam sound has been updated to reflect her pen
-Ferris’ Slam sound has been updated to be more metal like because of her flask
-A single typo in the credits has been updated. “Additonal” is now “Additional” (Special thanks to Tythesly for pointing this out)
-Cases now unlock one after the other. The launch version allows you to play them out of order, but to prevent this by mistake, it is only locked after completing the previous numbered case. The case select menu now shows which cases you completed by showing “completed”
-One of the characters, Ash, had an issue with his “sad” art and has been corrected (Special thanks to Susaga’s review for pointing this out)

If there are any more issues, please report them to any member of the Paper Cats Games team.

Taking inspiration from Ace Attorney, point-and-click adventure Paper Perjury is out now

Paper Perjury is the debut title from Paper Cat Games, one for fans of games a bit similar to the Ace Attorney series. Dive into a case log full of mystery and intrigue, where you'll need to uncover the truth through clever deduction, interrogation, and exploration to find the solution.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/12/taking-inspiration-from-ace-attorney-point-and-click-adventure-paper-perjury-is-out-now