1. Shelter 69
  2. News
  3. Chapter 12 Available!

Chapter 12 Available!

Hello, Overseer!
[h3]Chapter 12 of Shelter69 is now live! [/h3]
There is a short period of relative peace, during which you resolve to fully return to your duties and lead the Shelter to the extent of your capabilities. But your reputation has already been damaged, which means you will need to spend some time attending to your allies.

However, peace does not last long, as someone or something is attacking infrastructure critical to you and your allies - this new approach seems targeted at your alliance specifically, designed to drain your resources and tie you up in logistics.

Will you be able to catch this mysterious perpetrator? Or will she fight until her last... breath? Hopefully, your team, as well as your own leadership instincts, will be enough to bring down this latest danger to your Shelter and everyone depending on you.

Good luck out there,
--The JNT Team
