Major Update #1 Preview - Weapon Mods
[h2]Hey Loners!
Now that we've revealed that the first Major Update for Atomic Picnic is coming on February 28th, it's time to take a deep dive into the game's biggest new feature: Weapon Mods.[/h2]
Weapon Mods were designed to enable more gameplay styles and better build variety for players. These Mods are modules you can freely swap in and out of your gun while in the camp. They completely change how your weapon works, from how its trigger functions to how many bullets it shoots to making bullets bounce around the environment if you want!
When you open your Weapon Loadout menu, you'll notice a new button that you can press to customize your mods. There are three types of mods: Primary Mods, Reload Mods, and Weapon Skill Mods.

Click the new Modify button to start using your Mods!

There will be 3 slots to customize, read about them below!
Primary Mods change the base behavior of your gun, they can modify bullet damage, fire rate, magazine size, etc... One new mechanic that they are also able to change is the Weapon Skill Fill which increase the rate at which you can use your Weapon Skill!

When customizing your weapon some might even change their firing pattern!

Weapons might change their Shooting Trigger, the Assault Rifle can have a "Charge Time" for increased Fire Rate over time!
But it doesn't stop there. Primary Mods can also change the bullet behavior itself! You can now have a Bubble Shotgun, a Sticky Grenade Launcher, or even a Homing Shot Sniper!

The new Bubble Shotgun is excellent to keep an area safe!

Sticky Grenades, you shoot a lot of grenades! Great for hordes of enemies!
Reload Mods change the behavior of your Fast Reload Minigame and provide a small buff for completing it! Buffs can range from increased area size to a small burst of movement speed or infinite ammo for a little bit. There's also a new reload mod that lets you reload twice in a single reload, activating Fast Reload Curios twice! (JD fans REJOICE!)

Reload can grant you a small movement speed buff for a little bit.

You can also buff your jump builds if you choose to do so!

This one makes JD go crazy. You can activate your fast-reload curios multiple times in a single reload!
Here's the real meat of this new system! Weapon Skills is an entirely new mechanic that will be introduced in the first Major Update!
Every weapon will have a Weapon Skill Mod slot; you can equip a variety of different Weapon Skills that each have their own unique functionality, but to use your weapon skill, you need to fill a new gauge located right below your Crosshair. The rate this fills is based on the current Primary Mod, but the quantity needed to fill this gauge and the number of gauges change depending on the Weapon Skill itself!

Fill your Weapon Skill Gauge by shooting enemies!
So now that you have filled some gauges, it's time to use your Weapon Skill! You just now need to Aim your gun and then shoot! This will consume your Weapon Skill Gauge and shoot your Weapon Skill!

The new Lightning Orb Weapon Skill shocks enemies around it, but if you fire at the Lightning Orb itself, you can boost its output like crazy!
[h3]Important: all Weapon Mods will be unlocked from the start when the update is released so everyone can try them out! But we'll soon lock them behind Discoveries for you to unlock them as you play :)[/h3]
There's more to come during this update and more mods we haven't even shown!
What do you think? Please leave a like and comment below to tell us what you want to see!
Atomic Picnic's Creative Director
Now that we've revealed that the first Major Update for Atomic Picnic is coming on February 28th, it's time to take a deep dive into the game's biggest new feature: Weapon Mods.[/h2]
What are Weapon Mods?
Weapon Mods were designed to enable more gameplay styles and better build variety for players. These Mods are modules you can freely swap in and out of your gun while in the camp. They completely change how your weapon works, from how its trigger functions to how many bullets it shoots to making bullets bounce around the environment if you want!
How do they work?
When you open your Weapon Loadout menu, you'll notice a new button that you can press to customize your mods. There are three types of mods: Primary Mods, Reload Mods, and Weapon Skill Mods.

Click the new Modify button to start using your Mods!

There will be 3 slots to customize, read about them below!
Primary Mods
Primary Mods change the base behavior of your gun, they can modify bullet damage, fire rate, magazine size, etc... One new mechanic that they are also able to change is the Weapon Skill Fill which increase the rate at which you can use your Weapon Skill!

When customizing your weapon some might even change their firing pattern!

Weapons might change their Shooting Trigger, the Assault Rifle can have a "Charge Time" for increased Fire Rate over time!
But it doesn't stop there. Primary Mods can also change the bullet behavior itself! You can now have a Bubble Shotgun, a Sticky Grenade Launcher, or even a Homing Shot Sniper!

The new Bubble Shotgun is excellent to keep an area safe!

Sticky Grenades, you shoot a lot of grenades! Great for hordes of enemies!
Reload Mods
Reload Mods change the behavior of your Fast Reload Minigame and provide a small buff for completing it! Buffs can range from increased area size to a small burst of movement speed or infinite ammo for a little bit. There's also a new reload mod that lets you reload twice in a single reload, activating Fast Reload Curios twice! (JD fans REJOICE!)

Reload can grant you a small movement speed buff for a little bit.

You can also buff your jump builds if you choose to do so!

This one makes JD go crazy. You can activate your fast-reload curios multiple times in a single reload!
Weapon Skill Mods
Here's the real meat of this new system! Weapon Skills is an entirely new mechanic that will be introduced in the first Major Update!
Every weapon will have a Weapon Skill Mod slot; you can equip a variety of different Weapon Skills that each have their own unique functionality, but to use your weapon skill, you need to fill a new gauge located right below your Crosshair. The rate this fills is based on the current Primary Mod, but the quantity needed to fill this gauge and the number of gauges change depending on the Weapon Skill itself!

Fill your Weapon Skill Gauge by shooting enemies!
So now that you have filled some gauges, it's time to use your Weapon Skill! You just now need to Aim your gun and then shoot! This will consume your Weapon Skill Gauge and shoot your Weapon Skill!

The new Lightning Orb Weapon Skill shocks enemies around it, but if you fire at the Lightning Orb itself, you can boost its output like crazy!
[h3]Important: all Weapon Mods will be unlocked from the start when the update is released so everyone can try them out! But we'll soon lock them behind Discoveries for you to unlock them as you play :)[/h3]
There's more to come during this update and more mods we haven't even shown!
What do you think? Please leave a like and comment below to tell us what you want to see!
Atomic Picnic's Creative Director