1. Atomic Picnic
  2. News
  3. Hotfix #2 - Patch Notes - v0.5.2

Hotfix #2 - Patch Notes - v0.5.2

We’ve issued a new hotfixe for Atomic Picnic today. We hear your feedback and are working hard to fix issues and improve your gameplay experience.

[h3]Here’s every change in Hotfix #2 to Atomic Picnic v0.52:[/h3]

  • Mementos machine moved to inside the bus, so that players can find it more easily
  • Characters discoveries all rebalanced, so that it's faster to unlock them
    • JD: 1000 > 200 active reload
    • Hani: 12.000 > 6.000 receive damage
    • Bonnie: 80 > 50 dodges
  • Partial fix for connectivity issues, we addressed as many as we could
  • We added a new analytics to track the crashes and give us more information so that we can target the problem better
  • Crashes should no longer be happening on enemy despawn
  • Issues with boss core drops have been fixed
  • Players should have all the cores acquired during a picnic available for use at the camp

[h3]AI Improvements[/h3]
  • Fix enemies losing target on certain occasions
  • Fix ranged enemy attack line of sight, especially when the player is above the enemy
  • Fix enemies spawning and standing still on idle
  • Fix enemies spawning on player's position
  • Greatly reduced the frequency of enemies spawning inside structures
  • Fix enemies despawning when the player is unreachable
  • Fix enemies not spawning when the player is unreachable

Known Issues:
  • Melee enemies small shaking when reaches player's closest position on NavMesh
  • Sometimes enemies keep jumping on the same place, without getting closer to the player
  • Little Mac's AI toggle between player targets too much

We'll be working to improve these known issues on future updates!

Thank you again to everyone playing Atomic Picnic - your feedback is as important now more than ever. Keep it coming!