[H2]Outposts and Lakes Update[/h2]
[H3]March 13 Major Update[/h3]
Hey Vikings, our newest update, which we’re dubbing Outposts & Lakes, is now officially LIVE!
We’ve packed a lot into this update and we’re super excited to see what you think.
Looking forward to checking out all your Lakeside villages and how you structure your villages using the new Outpost Cores.
As always, we can’t wait to hear your feedback on all of the new features and changes, so be sure to keep it all coming!
Without further ado, grab a drink of choice and get comfy because these are long!

You can now create outposts which allow villagers to live and work in distinct territories. This gives you a whole new level of control and allows you to spread easily across the map, create supply lines and prevent villagers from making unwanted trips.
Mining outposts, fishing villages, forward attack camps, and much more are now possible with the new outpost system.
In order to create an outpost, build the new outpost building, build homes next to the outpost and assign villagers to those homes. They will now live in the new outpost.
The outpost works similarly to a warehouse, featuring platforms for storages. Unlike the warehouse, you can reinforce the outpost with walls and a tower for extra protection.
The outpost also comes with a built-in builder’s hut, so you can manage local builders.
Make sure you check out all the new tutorials covering these features!

[h2]Lake Biome[/h2]
The world of ASKA now features beautiful lake biomes, rich in fish and reeds. New species of fish have been specially made for this biome and the abundance of reeds should mitigate any thatch shortage you might have.
Make sure you start a new save for the new biomes, as we can’t regenerate already generated worlds. Enjoy your new lakeside home!

[h2]New Buildings[/h2]
We’ve added a whole host of new tier 2 buildings which besides the increased hitpoints and the ability to paint them, come with new resources and features.

[h3]Builder's Hut[/h3]
Allows you to manage builder jobs, including repairing, terraforming and perhaps most importantly firekeeping and lightkeeping.

This building allows you to assign and unassign specific villagers to all these tasks, so for those of you asking for a firekeeper or lightkeeper, this is the building to go for.

[h3]Cooking House[/h3]
The new cooking house comes with a brand new oven which will allow you to bake a new range of pies!
Pies require eggs and water besides the other regular ingredients.

[h3]Improved Farm[/h3]
The new farm comes with increased durability and an extra farm crop field. We’re also laying the groundwork for future crops!

[h3]Improved Bloomery[/h3]
Military Buildings and Improvements
Military buildings have also received new tiers and they also come with new features. Most importantly combat proficiencies have been capped by each military building tier. So the better your barracks are, the better your warriors and archers will be.

[h3]Improved Archery Range[/h3]
Besides improved durability, the archery range unlocks the next proficiency tier for your archers.

[h3]Improved Barracks[/h3]
The new barracks gives access to new warrior loadouts, which will allow you to specialize your further further, with specific combos like Axe and Shield, Two Handed Hammer and so on. Take full control of your fighting force’s composition!

[h3]Improved Warehouse[/h3]
The new fancy warehouse comes with increased durability and a new roof addon, making sure your resources are now more secure than ever.

[h3]Improved Leatherworker and Heavy Pelts[/h3]
The new leatherworker gives access to a new resource: the heavy pelt, which can be used to craft the new heavy cape! The regular pelt has also been moved to the Improved Leatherworker, making it a vital building.

[h3]Improved Carpenter[/h3]
The improved carpenter boasts increased durability, and we’ve also tweaked the carpenter’s AI, so efficiency should improve!

[h3]Improved Metalworker addon[/h3]
The Improved Metalworker is now the go-to place for large metal parts, necessary for 2-handed weapons and tools. The large metal parts have been removed from the regular Metalworker, so make sure you upgrade!

[h3]New Wall Perimeter System[/h3]
Walls now count for safety under the condition that you enclose homes in a wall loop, meaning that safety is no longer exclusively influenced by patrol routes and barracks. Make sure you wall in your settlements to keep your villagers safe!
There’s a lot more in the build, so do make sure you check out the entire changelog (below!)
[h3]You Get a New Building, and You Get a New Building…[/h3]
· Added Outposts and Outpost Add-ons. Villagers can live and work in outposts as separate sub-settlements;
Added Builder's Hut, allowing you to manage building, repairing, terraforming and firekeeping jobs;
Added Cooking House (Tier 2)(renamed existing Cooking House to Cooking Hut). Features an oven and can cook new recipes;
Added Improved Farm (Tier 2);
Added Improved Bloomery (Tier 2);
Added Improved Warehouse (Tier 2);
Added Improved Archery Range (Tier 2);
Added Improved Barracks (Tier 2), which allows for new fighter loadouts;
Added Improved Leatherworker (Tier 2);
Added Improved Carpenter (Tier 2);
Added Improved Metalworker addons (Tier 2);
[h3]Lake ASKA is Open For Business![/h3]
Added lake biomes (requires a new save for them to spawn);
Added new sound layers for biomes;
Added Perch, Pike and Catfish fish species (lake only);
[h3]Fun Features[/h3]
Players can now open gates while being mounted to carts;
Made getting villagers harder or easier based on the population you have;
Tier 1 Barracks and Archery Ranges now cap the proficiency gain of warriors to a maximum of 25;
New weapon loadouts now available at Barracks Tier 2. New loadouts allow deeper fighter specialization;
Added a wall perimeter system. Enclosing houses in walls now makes villagers feel safe. Perimeters are displayed on the map;
Fire / Light sources can now be scheduled from the new firekeeping and lightkeeping tasks, fuel priorities can also be adjusted;
Villager details when selecting a villager for a task has been improved;
Villager assign panel now shows proficiency level's based on the job to are assigning to;
[h3]Awesome Optimisations[/h3]
Optimizations for world island generation;
Terrain and vegetation generation and streaming improvements;
Vegetation rendering improvements for tree items;
[h3]Cool Things like UI and Sounds That We Couldn’t Think of a Fun Title For[/h3]
Added volume slider for Eat and Drink sounds;
Added the ability to open villager/structure menus from the map by right clicking on an icon;
Added new tasks for builders, allowing prioritization between over building/terraforming/firekeeping etc, the workers in charge of each task is also customizable by the player, similar to tasks from other workstations;
Added sounds for sled and cart;
Added new ambient sounds ;
Added new pie recipes at the new Cooking House;
Added heavy pelt (bears) and heavy pelt cape;
Added new tutorials;
[h3]Hey! What Are You Doing Over There?! AKA AI Improvements [/h3]
Added option in settings to stop villagers from waving and following you;
Trade routes take warehouse storage quantities into account;
Market workers no longer leave the cart mid journey and don't do deliveries with empty carts;
Added storage quantities to harvest buildings too;
Villagers don't do prepare for work again when loading a save;
Added new storage for clothes at the warehouse which is actually usable by workers;
Warehouse workers now take the correct maximum quantity from workshop;
Builders no longer enter underground to fetch materials;
Unreachable carts are teleported to the market parking lot;
Villagers may deposit their stuff into storages when cleaning up their inventories;
Cooks and crafters are more adherent to the priority list;
Added weapon decay from hitting combat dummies;
Movable resources no longer invalidate structure placement;
Increased forester 2 worker capacity;
Improved overall CPU performance;
Torches now lose durability in caves and need to be replenished;
Villagers may eat gray mushrooms in case of emergency;
Adjusted loadout select panel at barracks;
Traderoute item selection UI has been improved ;
Custom structure names are kept after rebuild;
Improved enemy combat and damage;
Warehouse workers will no longer pick up Archers' training arrows;
Removed all the "unbuilt addons" limitations for addons & upgrades;
[h3]Squashing Those Bugs[/h3]
Fixed food searching not working right for world items unless villagers are starving;
Fixed kennel not feeding dogs properly, for real now;
Fixed carts not taking damage from monsters;
Fixed villager assigning notification not visible to other players;
Fixed crafters getting stuck depositing stuff, again;
Fixed an issue where road pins would not be cleared nor taken into account correctly;
Fixed an issue where walls would not display the correct health/max health values on clients if the walls had spikes added to them;
Fixed an issue where tasks given by addons of Workshop would be removed when upgrading the addon;
Fixed a bug causing some monsters to not change aggro targets;
Fixed several pathfinding bugs causing villagers to become stuck in place;
Fixed a bug causing the resolution displayed in the settings menu to not match the actual resolution;
Fixed a bug when interacting with the healing house, could sometimes break all the interactions;
Fixed various bugs causing double sounds when opening or closing menus;
Fixed load page scrolling issue when opening the page for the first time on gamepad;
Fixed farmers "Clear previous plants" behaviour not working as intended when changing tasks from the current season;
Fixed drag and drop panel being rendered behind the quickbar;
Fixed a possible memory leak issue with world generation during streaming;
Phew, that’s them all (we think), enjoy the update!
Yours Skalfully,
Sand Sailor