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HEART of CROWN Online News

『HoC Online』Ver1.4.6Patch Notes・Supply Replacement

[h2]Fixes & Adjustments[/h2]
・Adjusted the calculation method for turn-by-turn win rates in season data to be based on the number of turns played.
・Made the following changes to card selection dialog operations.
  • The selected card will now be highlighted.
  • The card's location will now be displayed with color coding.

[h2]Replaced the supply for both online matches.[/h2]

This time, the rotation will feature reprinted supplies, and these 8 supplies will have an increased appearance rate in Ranked Matches.
The next rotation is scheduled for March 7th.

[h2]The Second Official Live Broadcast is Tomorrow!![/h2]
The second official live broadcast will begin on March 1 at 8:00 PM (JST).

『HoC Online』Supply Rotation & The Second Official Live Broadcast is Confirmed!

Greetings to all the influential figures of the empire!

Starting from 10:00 AM (JST) on February 28th, we will be updating the supply and ROM.

[h2]The Second Official Live Broadcast is Confirmed!![/h2]
The second official live broadcast will begin on March 1 at 8:00 PM (JST).

In this live broadcast, we will
  • Revealing the data from the Second Ranked Match season.
  • Test play of the new single-player mode currently in development.
  • Responses to the requests and feedback received so far.
These will be the main topics of the broadcast. We also plan to answer questions submitted during the live stream, so be sure to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned!

『HoC Online』Ver1.4.5Patch Notes・Third Ranked Match Begins・Supply Replacement

[h2]Revision Details[/h2]
・Card Deco has been implemented! You can now customize your card backs from the Card Deco section in MyPage.
・When declaring the Maid subtype with Confederation, setting Apprentice Maid or Royal Maid using Ethereal Deal: Senco previously did not grant inheritance counters. This has now been fixed, and inheritance counters will be correctly awarded.
*This change was made after confirming the rules with FLIPFLOPs. While the rule clarification was in progress, supplies containing both Confederation and Ethereal Deal were temporarily removed from Ranked Matches, but with this update, they will now appear as usual.

[h2]The Third Ranked Match Season Begins!![/h2]

The third Ranked Match season is now live!
As announced in the recent news, the theme for this season is "The Melancholy of Court Service."
New items inspired by this theme will be available in the Store starting from the February 24 update.

[h2]Replaced the supply for both online matches.[/h2]

In Ranked Matches, these 8 supplies will have an increased appearance rate.
The next rotation is scheduled for February 28.

『HoC Online』Supply Rotation & Development Report⑦ & Ranked Match Information

Greetings to all the influential figures of the empire!

Starting from 10:00 AM (JST) on February 21th, we will be updating the supply and ROM.

[h2]Development Report⑦[/h2]

[h3]Card Deco will be implemented.[/h3]
The Card Deco feature will be implemented in the update on February 21.
Initially, alternate card back colors will be available, with more designs to be added over time. Stay tuned!

[h2]About the Next Ranked Match[/h2]
The second Ranked Match season will end with the start of maintenance on February 21, and the third Ranked Match season will begin immediately after the maintenance is completed.

[h3]About Badge Allocation[/h3]
As with the first season, top performers in the second Ranked Match season will be awarded badges.

[h3]The Theme for the Third Ranked Match Season[/h3]

The theme for the third Ranked Match season will be "The Melancholy of Court Service."
Season-themed exclusive titles and frames will be available in the store starting from the February 24 item update!

『HEART of CROWN Online』Ver1.4.4Patch Notes・Supply Replacement

[h2]Revision Details[/h2]
・Fixed certain card text in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese that contained potentially misleading expressions.
・You can now access the Card Encyclopedia while entering a Ranked Match.
・Fixed several minor bugs.

[h2]Replaced the supply for both online matches.[/h2]

This rotation was originally scheduled to introduce new supplies, but instead, it will feature an increased appearance rate for reprinted supplies.
The new supply rotation is now planned for February 21.