1. Ultra Mega Cats
  2. News
  3. Ultra Mega Cats are back with a new Demo

Ultra Mega Cats are back with a new Demo

Hello, fellow feline aficionados!

We are back from our long, long nap and we have dragged in something special for you before the start of Next Fest - a brand new and updated demo! Let’s go together through what you can sink your claws in the demo itself.

[h2]Two Playable Characters[/h2]

The two original Ultra Mega Cats are back and ready to make a catastrophe out of the rodent nation. The stealthy Kagero and mechanized BBkat have undergone some visual and mechanical updates. To catch up with everything, and to assist with choosing your favourite cat, we have prepared character overview videos for your enjoyment.

One more thing, as you might be wondering about the recently revealed character voiced by Roger Clark - Clint. Unfortunately, his character is not playable in this version of the demo, but there is no need to get hissterical as the famous gunslinger with 9 lives will join your posse on launch day.


[h2]New Progressions Systems[/h2]

In this demo we are kicking the door open on the meta progression system and letting you play with it for the first time. During the runs you will be able to earn a new type of currency - the nexus chips.These can be spent for permanent upgrades and modifiers for your cats such as explosive ammunition or portable shields. To further enhance your pawsibilites, we have also added new vending machines and boons, so you can joyously engage in creative destruction.

Here is the final kicker - your progress in the demo will carry over to the full game!

That is right, you will be able to start playing the full version right where you left off with everything you have managed to unlock.

[h2]New Challenges[/h2]

Current enemy roster has been greatly updated and expanded. During your journey through the 10 levels of the demo, you will have to put up with lightsaber-wielding koalas and mecha rabbits. Speaking of foes that hate your cattitude, the bosses of mecha rodents in Machineland also had a bit of a touch-up - so you can expect them to be even bigger bullies than before.

[h2]Nap time’s over, let’s go Ultra Mega Cats[/h2]

Could all of this get any more purrfect? Yes, it can - with your help!

Make sure to leave a review after you are done with the demo. You can also drop your feedback on our Discord channel. We can’t wait to hear from you
