UPDATE: Hey all đ Coin & Spice is almost ready! We're still preparing the last bits and pieces so will push the release date to tomorrow (15/09). We hope this isn't too much of an inconvenience and hope that you are as excited as we are to share it with you! đ
The anniversary update
Coin & Spice has been in the works for the last couple of months and will be the 4th major update to Heard of the Story? since the Early Access release. Today Iâm finally excited to share what you can expect! :)
The most important addition weâll be introducing is a new mechanic which will allow you to hold regular markets in your town every few days. Rather than focusing on one market building as the epicentre, you will be able to build individual market stalls and organise markets however you like!
When the time comes, villagers will flock to the market both to show their wares, but also to browse themselves! The market will last until mid-day at which point villagers will pack up their things and return to their ordinary lives - likely somewhat embellished by their newfound treasures.
Fundamentally, the aim is to significantly improve trading and hence the culture of collaboration and specialisation. Currently it can be difficult to know who has what, and also finding the right person at the right time. With a market, youâll instantly be able to see the most important tools and goods purchasable all in one place. Whether itâs through chit-chat or looking around at the unfinished projects, villagers will know what youâre looking for, and will prioritise showcasing that in their stalls to help you complete your goals - for a worthy price of course.
To go along with the markets, weâll be adding a coin system to ease trading. Youâll still be able to trade items for items, but youâll also additionally be able to manage your wealth, and request payment in a simple currency. Unlike in some games, villagers will not have an endless supply of coins and will only earn more through business with others. Which leads us to the last point - where do more coins come from?
During markets, you may see craftsman and potential buyers from neighbouring towns visit. They may present you with new, and sometimes luxurious items not usually found in your environment. At the same time, they will give you and your villagers the chance to sell the items youâve accrued over the week, and provide your town with a source of precious income.
[h2]New Content[/h2]
Coin & Spice will include a new Pottery building in which youâll be able to craft and bake various clay-related items such as roof tiles and plant pots. Buildings which previously simply required extra mud for their roofs, will now properly require tiles instead.
Amongst the new items will be various tasty fruits, vegetables, fish, and enticing spices that merchants can bring to your town. With these, youâll be able to bake more sophisticated recipes such as delicious pies which will go much farther in fulfilling your nourishment needs - and making your villagers happy of course.
As always, there will be lots of new decorations such as stone tables, a new fountain, chairs, as well as equippable accessories such as a wooden shield or a cool bow!
[h2]Procedural Houses[/h2]

Houses are by far the most commonly constructed building as you work to fill your town with new residents. As a result, we are working on procedurally generating the look of houses to have the most visual impact on your towns! This means that rather than having three options for houses as you have now, you will be able to select a house width and there will automatically be thousands of possible variations. Each villager will have a truly unique and interesting home, and the act of building new houses in itself will become much more rewarding.
Right now, you have one tiled-roof house option, but in
Coin & Spice, each possible house shape will have a customisable roof where youâll be able to choose from 4 different materials: straw, slate, tile, and wood. Weâll also be allowing houses to be built up to three floors high for the first time, giving you the ability to make your towns feel even more epic!
Additionally, a villagerâs home customisation will extend from their gardens onto their house exteriors too. Each structure will now come with an assortment of different decoration spaces. As villagers find new items, theyâll personalise houses to their own liking - giving an extra touch of personality to all corners of the residence.
[h2]Controller Support[/h2]
Our aim is to complete the support for controllers with this update by adding the ability to use keys / buttons to navigate the inventory, book, and other parts of the interface. It has been a much requested feature for a long time, so itâs been near the top of our list!
[h2]Release Date[/h2]
We hope that all sounds exciting to you! As always, weâre always open to hearing suggestions or new ideas, so feel free to jump in the
Discord and share your thoughts!
The currently planned date for this update is on the anniversary of the gameâs release to Early Access:
the 14th of September. We hope to see you there! :)